Weighing Myself.
I'm thinking that local chemist's scales would be pretty accurate right? I weighed myself at one yesterday, it read 87kg. Then I weighed myself again today to get an accurate reading, it said 85kg. Why am I getting two different readings? I'm going to weigh myself on the digital one in the leisure centre tomorrow Your body weight can fluctuate by a considerable amount due to clothing, food, water intake, bowel movements etc. You need more results to get an accurate picture. My weight changed by 5lbs over 2 days last week. Ideally want to weigh yourself at the same point in the day and routine.Your bladder could hold 0.5kg / 0.5 litre of urine so empty your bladder before hand.Same applies for bowelsonly potentially more mass  if you are out and about your are presumably wearing clothes then there can be differences in some case substantial. Way yourself daily then take an average. Look for trends over weeks/months not days. That's what I do. I weighed myself on 31/07/1981 and I was 70kg.Weighed myself today and I was 100kg.I think I need new scales . Your first weigh in was 30 days before I was born!  ~85kg then...not a bad weight..  I wish 