original jungle Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:11

tried the nano 6 liked them a lot bit they were bit on the small side and there wasn't a half size up, so i sent them back. My mate is a big fan of the old nano 4s.

Did heavy barbell rows & some Incline Dumbbell bench press. 4 sets of 8 on each

Then a 30 min emom of
1st min 30 double unders
2nd min 20 press-ups
3rd min 10 strict pull-ups

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:12

That sounds awful.Not done a chipper yet and hadn't heard of it but just googled and can see it's basically just chipping away at a load of exercises.Looking forward to it 

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:12

Nice little workout last night, first of all strength - Building to a 1RM Cluster (Squat power clean into thruster) over 10 mins.New movement for me which I haven't done before (same for a lot of them with being so new to it) so just focused on form and added 5kg each time.

Did 65kg and just about failed at 70kg, couldn't push out the last few inches of the shoulder press.Happy with that, probably could've got the 70 out with another attempt but ran out of time.

Then three six minute WOD's as follows:

A) Minute 1 : 4 reps at 80% of 1RM power squat clean / Minute 2 : 10 x Wall Balls, repeat for six mins

1 min rest

B) Minute 1 : 3 reps at 85% of 1RM power squat clean / Minute 2 : 10 x Wall Balls, repeat for six mins

1 min rest

C) Minute 1 : 2 reps at 90% of 1RM power squat clean / Minute 2 : 5 x Ring Dips (I scaled to box dips)

Still finding my feet with a lot of lifts and what my 1,2,3, etc rep maxes are so trying to just make sure I use good form, avoid any silly injuries, and work on technique so probably could've gone a little heavier here but never really power squat cleaned before so around 65 - 70kg seemed to be my max based on the cluster.

I therefore worked on A) 50kg / B) 55kg / C) 60kg

Good little workout, especially on the back of cleans and WB's on Saturday as I was still quite tight from that.

original jungle Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:13

Xmas is coming so be prepared for the 12 days of Xmas inspired wod...on the first day xmas etc like in the song

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:14

For anyone who doesn't have a weighted vest yet by the way, my friend picked me this bargain up from Tesco at the weekend.£7.50 for a 10kg vest 


booyaka Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:15

carrying enough weight already myself without adding more!!!:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:16

 I mean for the workouts as I know some require it.Murph, for example.

original jungle Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:16

Murph tough enough without the vest

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:17

Nice little workout last night.

Strength - Work up in weight for 3 sets of 5 reps Floor Press (similar to bench press but lay on floor).Warmed up and did 50, 60 then 70kg but felt like I could've gone heavier.

Alternate with walking overhead barbell lunges, full width of room.Only managed 30kg on this, attempted 40kg but only got halfway across the room before losing form.Another new movement for me and just an unnatural feeling / movement trying to walk, lunge, and keep the bar overhead and tight.I just kept feeling myself pulling the bar toward my body so tried to concentrate on pushing it away.

WOD - For time - Three sets (no rest) of:

10 x Deadlift @ 60% of 1RM / 5 x Hand Stand Push Ups

Rest 2 mins then

5 min AMRAP (As many rounds as possible):

1 x Muscle Up (scaled to using a 20” box) / 12 x 24kg KB Snatches (6 each arm) (scaled to 16kg as not done these before)

I used 75kg for my deadlifts as we recently did 1RM deadlift and I got to 122.5kg, 60% would have been 73.5kg so just rounded up to 75kg.I’ve not done HSPU’s before but they have been in a previous class so I’ve worked on the getting upside down from the floor and holding whilst against the wall so yesterday thought I’d give the HSPU’s a go.Not too bad but need to work on them and on kipping HSPU’s for efficiency.

Total time was 9:33 including 2 mins rest and I did 5 rounds   2 snatches.

Happy with that, workout felt good and not as tough as some and the HSPU’s slowed me down but something to work on.I find that shorter burst workouts I’m much better at, anything with little bits of rest I have a really quick recovery rate.It’s the longer workouts that are taxing but endurance will come over time.

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:20

Tonight's WOD. For time:

10 x Power Clean
10 x Front Squat
10 x Push Press
10 x Back Squat
100m run

Then repeat with 8 reps, 6, 4, 2 all with the 100m run at the end.

This was a killer. Time was 12:55 and those 100m runs don't sound much but after the lifts you just had nothing in your legs, felt like jelly and even after the last set I tried to sprint just to get as quick as time as possible but it was like running in treacle 

Not sure if they do this at other CF gyms by the way, would imagine they do something similar, but we usually have an A, B and C version of the weights. A being RX then B and C scaled.

A was 70kg men / 50kg women, B 60kg / 40kg and C 40kg / 30kg

Went with C as I think B would've been too much / heavy for me at this stage, probably could've gone 45 - 50kg to be honest but would've really took it out of me and 40kg was tough enough. The weights will come in time, right now it's just about getting the movements and enjoying it.
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