djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:01

That sounds disgusting!

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:02

Did a good partner WOD myself today, but of a warm up first then 10 mins AMRAP, one person does:

3 x 9kg / 10' wall ball
3 x 24kg KB swing
3 cal row

Tag partner then they go, then repeat for 6 of each, then 9, 12 and so on

2 mins rest then 10 mins AMRAP, one person does:

3 x 24" box jump
3 x 40kg power clean
3 cal row

Same as above for tagging / rounds.

We managed to do a round of 15s   5 x wall balls for A then round of 12s   9 box jumps for B. Brutal, took me a good couple of minutes to be able to walk again after 

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:03

Has anyone done the Bergeron beep test yet?

original jungle Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:04

no but it looks horrendous

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:05


For anyone who doesn't know what it is, it's a fitness / conditioning test devised by Ben Bergeron and is :

Basically anything with thrusters in is designed to kill you or at the very least make you cry, if you have enough oxygen to do so!

We did this a few weeks ago and it absolutely destroyed me! First we did every 2 mins for 10 mins - 6 x Back Squat with 75% of 3RM then onto the Bergeron.

We had the option to scale to 4 reps of each instead of seven, I grossly underestimated the workout and went for 7 but I really should've gone with four, excuse number 1 (I have a few of these, see below)  We also had a 10 min time cap if you weren't starting the sets on the minute each time, if you weren't it then just became an AMRAP.

I only managed three sets and felt like I couldn't breathe and would never be able to breathe again! Had to scale back to sets of four and managed another two sets but that was it, I have never felt so gassed out in my life!!

Now, as I say I do have a couple of excuses / lessons here so I'm going to try this again some time soon to see if I can improve on my score.

1) it was the 6:30am class so I was fasted, I usually train after work and a day full of food.
2) I'd forgotten to take my asthma inhaler and didn't have it with me. Don't forget your inhaler!
3) I should've scaled with being so new to Crossfit. There is no shame in scaling.
4) don't ever underestimate a workout, they're all tough!!!

Oh, and 5) This is something I've learnt since with thrusters - BREATHE!!!!!! Very easy to hold your breath and hyperventilate doing thrusters so pay close attention to your breathing.

original jungle Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:06

Better of scaling in the beginning... Burpees are a killer as well as thrusters, I can do pullups for days

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:07

I'm ok with burpees and pull ups but after the thrusters they just got harder and harder.I also took my time for the first set thinking I'll take it easy and not try to do myself in early.That didn't work though as I only left myself 9 seconds of rest which wasn't enough so made the mistake of rushing the second set / minute for more rest.This was counter-productive!

Basically just a firm lesson on how mortal I actually am 

djpaulc247 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:08

What shoes does everyone use for CF?I did a bit of research and ended up split between the Reebok Nano and the Nike Metcon 3.Went for the Metcon 3 in the end as they were on sale on Nike's website and I found a 25% off discount code so ended up with a pair for under £60.

They're comfortable and feel like a good fit and have a really good grip and sturdy heel which feels safe and secure for lifting and for things like box jumps.A little stiff at first for running but will only use them for short distances and they should loosen a little over time.They're also designed with a heel clip that helps sliding up walls for handstand push ups and the inner arch of the shoe sole comes up to help with grip for rope climbing.

Overall really pleased with them but I've not compared them to any others with being so new to CF.

original jungle Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:09

I personally prefer the 2s over the 3s, thought the 3s were a nightmare to run in although I've only done a limited bit running in the 3s. The dsx flyknits are super comfortable but I've only done some skipping in them.

The new dsx fyknits 2 look the buisness.

booyaka Publish time 26-11-2019 04:58:10

I grabbed some Nano's - nice solid comfy. possibly a bit hard for any long runs but not been on any yet to confirm.

Chipper today......

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