Is global warming an urban myth?
Is global warming an urban myth created by scientists chasing generous research grants?The very fact the Earth has an atmosphere there will always be climatic fluctuations. The reason and duration of these is very difficult to understand and to put into context historically.
The reality is global warming is a very good story for the media when nothing else is worthy of widespread coverage.
After the coldest winter in decades more news of further uncharacteristically cold winters ahead.
Quiet sun puts Europe on ice - environment - 14 April 2010 - New Scientist
The above article concerns winter temperature in Western Europe and is not necessarily linked with global warming but it indicates how so many variables can influence temperature and climatic events of one type or another.
To blame mans activities for any alteration in temperature or climatic events is shortsighted and may be a distraction from long term climatic changes and patterns which could be attributed to other causes.
If other factors can be established as influencing weather patterns it might help with predicitions and be of economic and social benefit to people for example accurtely predicting times of flood/drought.
Although the accuracy of this prediction has yet to be determined by observation.
That entails generous research funding to both prove and oppose such a prediction.
Any thoughts? There is more than one independent variable affecting our climate. It doesn't mean that because the sun is going through a phase of fewer sunspots that the sun is the only factor affecting temperature.
Climate change predicts that there will be more extreme weather events, it doesn't just simply mean the world gets hotter. Will there be more extreme weather events or is it that the events that occur are reported more widely.
The very fact there is an atmosphere tells us that weather patterns will shift and change. The contribution man has made to this is unclear.
Although it is a worthy issue to research there is no firm evidence to date to suggest mans acticivities have impacted upon global climate.
The Yes, it's a load of nonsense. No.
Yes.Where does the heat go? Here we go again (!).
Are you doubting that global warming is occurring, or that man is affecting the climate? If it's the former (and the title of this thread implies this) then pretty much everyone agrees that climate change is happening.
If you're talking about the latter, have a look at some of the other threads in this topic.... I'm sure everyone does agree the the climate changes - like it has done for the last 4 billion years. It's not a static environment and there are many influences on it so it will always change. And what has been happening in Iceland the last few days has more effects than all the efforts man has made over the last decade.
 No it hasn't. It's had no climatic effects whatsoever.
On the other hand, the unusual winds which are blowing the ash in our direction might (but only might) have been influenced by ACC.
In any case, there are no or almost no greenhouse gases being emitted by this eruption. Do we have to do this all over again?
To the OP, please check out a couple of the other threads
That's it - I'm out..........