IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:25


Dr Evilest Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:26

I'm in the same boat, did my research over the Summer, have had several quotes but planned to delay until the new year.
Not anymore!, deposit paid & install booked for next week. Just make sure the FIT application is sent in ASAP by fax/email/recorded delivery and you should be fine. 2 weeks before the deadline is plenty of time!

You're in Frodsham if I remember, who are you using as your installer?

Philly112 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:26

Hi there.

We've now booked in for 28th Nov. We will email the application to British Gas - I spoke to them yesterday and they prefer email applications. 28th should be OK - the deadline has been 'extended' to 12th Dec. Of course any delay in 28th and I could be goosed, although they are looking at a much earlier date at a weekend. Only paid a 10% deposit, so if it goes belly up I'll lose that rather than have an installation after 28th.
We are using a Chester company called IEC Connect. They are not solely solar, but an electrical company. They are the only ones using the Solar Edge optimisers which treat each panel as an individual (will help with some shade we get in the early morning/late afternoon).
Getting a 3kw system in the end; too much shade on one half of the roof to justify 4kw, although it would have been OK for half the day.


GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:26

Its more like Friday the 9th December. 12th is the cutoff date so they would have to be in by 23:59 on the 11th which is a Sunday...

Dr Evilest Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:27

My installer, 'natural energy' on the Wirral, is now saying around the 25th Nov, with no guarantees!//

According to the government's REAL site:
'The eligibility date is the date on which the FITs licensee receives the consumer’s request for FiT registration of a commissioned installation, which must include a valid MCS certificate. DECC will be recommending that consumers use special delivery so they have proof that their licensee has received their application and MCS certificate prior to the reference date.'

I'm with Eon who apparently only accept postal applications anyway.
I know these dates are cutting it a bit fine.... I just hope supply of the panels isn't going to be an issue.

Philly112 Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:28

If it all goes wrong for both or either of us - a mutual beer is in order!


IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:29

and two if it goes through OK 

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:30

Just broke the news to the guy over the road who was going to get an installation sorted out for the New Year after he gets back from a two week holiday on the 20th November

I think he's decided to forget that idea...

BISHI Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:31

I think a lot of people have invested a great deal of time and money into creating businesses to accommodate the demand for this new industry. The amount of PV businesses has snowballed. There will be a lot of businesses going tits up, people losing money on considerable investments and tons of people losing their jobs. Shame really as this was a seriously booming business in the renewable energy sector that the government had put so much faith in as a route out of the economic downturn.Kinda hypocritical IMO.!

GaryMo Publish time 26-11-2019 04:17:32

It was a business based on those who cannot afford (or who have unsuitable properties for installation) subsidising those who can get it installed.

It's a shame for those who will miss out (myself included as I recently started to look at free panels). But it is the right thing to do in an era of rising prices for energy and household bills being stretched for the majority.
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