Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:30
If they are standard panels it may be worth checking whether the Solar Edge micro invertors can be removed and you can rewire to the standard invertor if the new tech doesn't work out.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:31
I was talking about the manufacturer!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:32
Yes, very good idea. I'll check on that. They are standard panels, but the main inverter supplied is not standard, so I'd probably have to buy one of those. And of course I'd be back to square one wrt the shading issues but at least the system would be working.
Greg Hook
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:32
Perhaps a stupid question, but is there a system where you pay nothing and any excess electricity you produce goes back to the company that fitted them? I'm sure I've read about those sort of systems.
Can't afford to pay for a system, but our house is perfect, south facing roof, unobstructed, large area etc.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:33
If you mean free panels, then yes they're readily available. IG has these.
The excess electricity goes to the grid and is not a huge amount, but no, it can't be directed to a particular company (at least, I don't think so). There is no battery storage so the electricity is either used there and then, or goes to the grid.
The company who give you the free panels make their money from the FIT. You make yours with cheaper bills.
Edit It sounds like your house is ideal for a 4kw system - these are the ones that installers like as it maximizes the return for both parties.
Greg Hook
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:34
Thanks Philly. Regarding the FIT you mentioned, I found a link here for others who know nothing about them like me!
Feed-in Tariff scheme
Although it's still a little confusing over the options they show.
Any companies people would recommend for this?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:35
As Philly says, I have the free panels.Hasn't cost me anything and I get to use all the electricity generated: if I can. This obviously works best if someone is at home during the day and can wack on the tumble dryer at Midday if the sun is shining  of the schemes just measure the amount generated and then your installer gets the feed in tariff based on that.They don't usually measure how much you use and how much is going to the grid they just assume a 50:50 split.Not that it matters to the householder as it has no effect on them.
The Installers tend to be locally based so it's best to find out who is doing installations in your area.I went with the one (krish? I think)originally brought to our attention: Isis Solar.
ISIS solar - Free solar panels and free electricity
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:36
Over the last 24 hours I've now had 4 companies tell me they are no longer installing the free systems in the Southend area as they have too much work to get in by the time the new FIT are introduced. After that date they have no plans to continue the free systems.
I've looked this morning to find a reputable company to do it with no luck.
Looks like I missed the boat.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:37
Doesn't surprise me, they won't be making half as much profit after december. However if your quick and pay for the installation yourself, you will benefit much more than you would have done under a free system, financially.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:39
Sorry to hear that KO 