Publish time 26-11-2019 04:12:59
I have no idea what mine can do, they plugged them in and left!
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:12:59
I researched it to death mate before I decided - I would rather buy what the Germans use than North Americans ( just look at the difference in quality of their cars - and Japans for that matter..... and the Japs put these on their cars)
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:12:59
Ok, I think we're getting there .mine have generated 1196 units so far this year, so that's nearly £500 for the panel owners since June.(some schemes also give extra money for the units you use as well as generate so that would be more.) I'm sure it will tail off between here and next summer but I think it's not unreasonable to assume £1000 a year on that;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
I'm planning on keeping a diary as to what they generate over the winter as I assume people will be interested. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:12:59
Once the FIT is registered is there not a cast iron guarentee that it will last for 25 years at the figure stated at the time of registration and will remain tax free?
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:00
We are thinking about going for it.I work from home regularly, so have higher daytime usage.And we have timers on the washing machine, bread maker and other bits and pieces we can use to time things for during the day to make the most of the electricity generated.
Just need to find a reputable installer in Kent.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:00
"It is energy suppliers that will pay you the FITs payments with the 'big six' energy suppliers required by law to provide these payments."
So, it's not the government who are making these payments, it's the energy suppliers and if they stop payments then it'll be against a law. It would be very under-handed if the law was changed for systems already registered.
Registered Feed-in Tariff licensed suppliers
Energy Act 2008 - Department of Energy and Climate Change
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:00
We had a company round yesterday. £12k for a monocrystalline 3.92kw system.
I was very impressed with the company, although they don't cover Kent.
The guy was at the house for two hours, answered all the questions, took lots of measurements, gave us the price etc and left. Followed up with the quote by email.
No hard sell at all - I had thought it might be like double glazing salesman, but nothing like that at all.
The estimate is around £1300 payback a year for the FIT, then a couple of hundred reduction on the bills and export of electricity (the latter is not much at all).
Another company coming round on Friday so lets see how they manage. I am more interested in reputation that cost.
This is the company who came round last night
Renewable Energy Solutions Provider Solar PV & Thermal, Wind Turbine & Heat Pumps Installers UK
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:00
It would, but there is nothing to stop them deciding that your Feed in Tariff is a taxable income in the next budget.
So the question is, how much do you trust the Chancellor of the Exchequer in this and subsequent governments for the next 25 years not to interfere? 
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:00
Might be worth it if you plan on staying there for 25 years but probably not worth the hassle otherwise.
Publish time 26-11-2019 04:13:01
No decent company worth their salt would give a quote over the phone unless it was backed up with a site visit. They might be able to give an indication but not an actual quote.
The guy who came round to survey my property spent two hours here. In the garden measuring up, in the loft, checking the electrics. And yes, his quote was the same as the indication his company had given over the phone; but only confirmed after a visit.
You are unlikely to get a company doing this type of work which has been going for 10 years.
Yes you are expecting too much. Get some companies round to quote you. Get some references from them. Call on the references.
It's what I'm doing.
By the way, do some research on the panels. The Romag seem to only come with a 5 year warranty. Most come with a 10 year warranty. The Romag panels are polycrystalline which is at the lower end of the scale. You will not get a 25 year warranty on any panels. The 25 year is relating to panel efficiency IF they last that long (which they should do). But you will not get more than a 10 year actual warranty.