Free Energy Smart Meters
Anyone booked to have theirs installed? I'm with SSE and they're fitting it in a few weeks.Looks like its the Onzo meter which will be installed...
Onzo Smart Energy Kit Nothing for me from Scottish power at the moment. West Midlands. Booked twice now with first utility who out source to Siemens. On both occasion engineer failed to show. Got a phone call to rearrange told them to forget it.  Looks like a more advanced version of my freebie Npower meter and the Owl I had before that
Its not Smart as in fitted by and talking to your energy supplier , is it ? Yes, readings will be taken every half hour. I'll supposed to be able to see all the data on their website. Looks like you get a smart meter and a free energy monitor.I wonder if the energy monitor displays the same info they send to the supplier Yes I knew I got the monitor as well. Apparently I'll have one for gas and electric 
Not sure what data it will display, just mentions data in live time. Got the meters installed yesterday, didnt realise they replace the whole unit.
Quite impressed so far, tells you how much you've spent that day/week and current wattage usage for electric. I'm having new British Gas meters on the 30 of this month... Any one had dealings? Love having these now. For me the best part is seeing how much money I've spent in a week on both gas/electric.
Its amazing how much wattage some appliances use.