Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:48
If you have all this up-to the minute information, then why not share it, this thread might then, head in a different direction, because atm, nobody has anything meaningful to add other than yourself.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:48
I suspect that isn't hard to do...
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:49
I did remark much earlier in the thread that I really can't reveal more details as it would in all likelihood lead to my identity being known which could make life rather awkward for me and another individual.
However, this thread isn't about public servants even though that appears to be yours and one or two others focus, it's about public services.
I note in the budget the chancellor has promised two billion pounds more in funding for adult social care. However, given this and the previous government have cut funding to social care by four billion pounds the adult social care budget is still at the very least two billion pounds less than it was in 2010.
Ruperts slippers
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:49
When the argument is lost resort to insults, nice one.Empty vessel and all that etc.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:49
Exactly what I was thinking every time you kept telling me I'm a public sector hating Nazi.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:50
Cheers, knew there must of been a root cause to why the private sector runs more effiently than the public sector .
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:50
That's right.
The private sector works it's butt off making money...
...And the public sector spends it.
Nothing changes 
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:50
Runs very efficiently for the bosses whilst the workers doff their caps and are glad to accept crumbs from the table. Envy isn't an attractive trait. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:51
Yet you say people scurry back to the private sector when they discover the public sector is no longer the gravy train they were expecting?What exactly are you complaining about?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:51
The whole reason for this thread was to debate if public sector cuts have gone too far.Just like an Apple or Windows thread people try to deflect the debate into a slanging match.Given the years of drip drip misinformation from the right wing media in this country regarding things like the public sector and the EU etc. it's perhaps not surprising.
As I reported earlier today there is a BBC news article about the shortage of teachers and the retention of the ones they are able to recruit.Prisons is another area where spending has been slashed resulting in grave recruitment issues.This has now become a big problem right across the public sector so something is going badly wrong.Many M.P.s are now starting to admit the cuts may have gone to far and reached a point where services are no longer deliverable.
The chancellor has gone some way in recognising this in the budget today by allocating £2 billion to adult social care.Given £4 billion has been slashed from that budget since 2010 it still represents a cut.
I think one of the posters mentioned that the NHS hadn't had any cuts to it's budget.That's not strictly true as they have to make billions of pounds of efficiency savings by 2020 so it's something of a sleight of hand.