Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:46

Yep used to be. Some people used to take advantage and I have personal experience of those who did and the entire culture.

Then there were changes and sick leave just became something for those who were actually sick. If there hadn't been changes it would still go on. This was funded by people's taxes.
So you don't believe it? I have no idea why the local press would have a problem. They aren't Fox News. Note. If you like you can write to them and check. This information tends to have to be given out if people ask for it.

The same council.

Fraud allegations against two Sandwell councillors referred to police - BBC News

Top GP and Sandwell CCG boss admit £153k fraud - BBC News

Sandwell Council's children's services to be run by government trust - BBC News

They tend to be useless.
So you don't believe it, but you have also seen it for yourself. Brilliant.

messimagician Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:46

What's the point? Would you then denounce it as "biased press" etc?

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:47

I work for a firm that use to do these home visits. It was conducted by an HR manager that hadn't long been with the company and our shift manager.

On one occasion a work colleague was off with broken ribs, they just turned up at her door unannounced. When she explained to them why she was off the HR manager said she looked well enough to him and started putting pressure on her to come back to work.

These people have no medical knowledge but think they can bully people back to work

I know after returning to work fit she put grievance in about her ordeal.

I haven't heard of anymore home visits since that scenario happened. they've probably stopped it temporarily

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:47

Personally i don't believe the cuts have gone far enough TBH in the public sector . It's a black hole of mis management and extreme wastage on a grand scale especially on the local council front.

I mean c'mon you wouldn't run a company/buisseness this way and you wouldn't expect or want your employer in the private sector towaste the money the public sector wastes.

If be the case we would all be out of work. The public sector is just not pro active and will spend spend spend like there is no tomorrow for the pot .

Lets just take a step back at the OP.

Have Public Sector cuts now gone to far?

If the public sector was well managed in the first place , would there be any need for cuts ?

Public sector has always been reactive , never proactive,always the root cause and way two many decades of waste and greed in many ways.

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:47

Really? So my post #77 was nothing to do with the subject?

You are coming across as a petulant child because people aren't fawning over your posts and agreeing how horrible it is for the public sector.

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:47

Yes, seen it for myself "in the private sector" or did you not pick up on that?

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:47

No more than your anti-public sector rhetoric which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the OP.

It has been mentioned on the news only this morning about the crisis in teaching i.e. they cannot recruit and retain staff.If all these areas of the public sector are struggling to recruit and retain staff then surely you have to start asking questions as to WHY?

I can remember a time when you could start a job in the morning and if you didn't like it then leave at lunchtime and start a new job with a different employer in the afternoon - I've done it myself. That was in times gone by, not now.

It's exactly the same with the public sector.I don't doubt people did get away with too much in the past.However, that was the past and this is now the present, it's not like that any more.In much the same way you need to move on and reappraise your blinkered views.

Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:47

Petulant child to the max eh?

I've nothing against the public sector. My wife is a nurse after all.

But it isn't being treated any worse than the private sector. One of your main complaints earlier was the use of an appraisal system that is common in the private sector.

And payrises that in several years from 2010 outstripped the private sector.

Not everybody is going to agree with you that the entire public sector has been badly done to.

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:48

I think like many you have lack a fundamental understanding of what a public service is or what it does.You cannot run these services like a business, the clue is in the word 'public service'.Take transport as just one example.Local Authorities subsidise bus routes throughout the UK.There are a good many people, both rural and in urban areas where the local bus is their only means of getting around.These buses often run three quarters empty for part of the day but they are providing a 'public service'.

Now under your philosophy we should run this as a business which would mean most of these services would disappear leaving the vulnerable and elderly stranded.Is that what you want to see happen?We could extrapolate this scenario across a whole range of services.

We can all talk about scrapping services and what a waste of money they are until there comes a time in our lives where we actually need those services.I can guarantee there would be a sudden about face from most of you.

I find your vision of society quite bleak and frightening.

Faust Publish time 26-11-2019 03:28:48

And still nothing meaningful to add I see.For someone who has nothing against the PS you sure had me;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
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