IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:59

You've already told us, they'll be getting it off the pensioners Winter Fuel Allowance.

doug56hl Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:59

It was mandatory for the heavily subsidised mortgage I got by working for them.

doug56hl Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:59

Not quite. £2.2 billion is nowhere near enough for that and is needed to pay for the social and health care for those who don't have houses to sell.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:59

Ouch, so what they gave with one hand they took away with the other?you have my sympathies.

doug56hl Publish time 26-11-2019 03:25:00

Not quite. It's going to be a few hard years for the economy whoever is involved. Taking the long game would be letting labour in and then in 4-5 years having a field day with the results.

But as UK political parties are not known for taking the long term view I do find intentionally taking a dive on the election scenario unlikely. However it would answer why do an election now when you still have 3 years still left to run.

kbfern Publish time 26-11-2019 03:25:00

Well next Friday I become an official OAP, I don't mind loosing my winter fuel allowance or the triple lock as either does not really make that much difference to most pensioners. The Social care bill if it was to turn out that my kids did not get to keep £100k net from a current nett worth of approx £250k would have me spinning in my grave.

However as a person who could not vote for Corbyn and his shadow cabinet what can I do, I will have to give my vote to the conservatives and hope they do the right thing and don't lace the care bill with poison, as to live my last years under Corbyn would be intolerable.

doug56hl Publish time 26-11-2019 03:25:00

It's all in the fine print 

fluxo Publish time 26-11-2019 03:25:00

Perhaps they ought to say, then, what they will do 

On social care: the government's policy is 7 years in construction now. Work on it began in July 2010 when the Dilnot Commission was set up. It's frankly astounding that, after those 7 years, the government has no clear settled position on this.

The public is being asked to guess what the government may do. It's not very satisfactory.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 03:25:00

It seams that both are employing that tactic. Corbyn giving tax breaks to rich people.

I can't say that any of the manifestos appeal to me. If it wasn't for their stupid Brexit stance and not having any credible candidates it would have been lib dem for me.

Labour is just on a silly spending spree and want me to fund it.

And the Conservatives I don't find a conservative manifesto personally.

We will see what will happen.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:25:00

This is the crux isn't it, if 90% of pensioner's don't need the Winter Fuel allowance and don't begrudge giving it up it's not going to hit voting patterns as hard as some think.
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