Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:26
No, I pointed out that the guy who posted that he was genuinely worried about JC being voted in won't be called paranoid unlike the guy who posted an equally absurd point about the Tories coming into power. That's all.
I've never voted Labour in my life. But then you'd know that from stalking me on;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:27
Getting back to the topic, get rid of free schools and remove the risk of people with dodgy ideologies being allowed to corrupt young minds, get rid of faith schools that encourage segregation and monitor dodgy mosques and places of worship. Engage with the different communities that have muslims in their numbers and encourage them them to feel they can report suspicious activities more readily.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:28
Also, accept that Muslims aren't a community but a number of people of different nationalities and cultures that follow different sects of a religion. Cultural ties still bond people together more tightly in their community groups than their religion. Muslims aren't any different in that respect.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:29
Just to clear it up. I'am not anti JC i think the guy is sound i just don't agree with his stance on some things. I'am anti Labour and i am for Fox hunting but without dogs.
On an unrelated matter. I've stop using takeaways who serve Halal meat. It triggers me that Halal and Kosher meats are in most places now even Supermarkets having Halal meat sections.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:30
Fake news? From the BBC.
Here's it being set up.
British Media (CNNi) Caught On Video Staging Politically Correct Propaganda…
In the video below you see British Media, together with CNNi correspondent Becky Anderson, with full support from British Law Enforcement, carefully staging a backdrop for media broadcast in the aftermath of the latest terrorist attack in London.The intent of the scripted propaganda is clearly to create a counter storyline and reduce backlash against the political policies of the British government.CNNi taking the lead creating a false narrative for domestic consumption by the UK media audience.
The production staff go above and beyond by carefully positioning a group of women and children they call “Muslim Mothers” complete with signs showing Muslim support for the UK electorate. Additionally, the staff place flowers and teddy bears at the feet of the women to create the best optics for the broadcast.
The broadcast journalist then begins introducing the “discovery” by describing what they “found” as a “poignant scene” etc. “What we want to show you now viewers, is a wonderful scene. These are Muslim Mums…”
You really must watch how the manufactured scene is described.A few of those who watched the entire creating of the media production begin to laugh in the background.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:31
Saw that posted elsewhere when i woke up. Didn't surprise me.Don't read the news and your uniformed read the news and your misinformed.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:32
Aren't all outside broadcast reports somewhat spruced up rather than genuinely unobtrusive candid shooting? Doesn't mean they're not a real bunch of people doing what the report is supposed to be illustrating. Like instructions from a wedding photographer/videographer.
Seems more like fake news about fake news.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:32
Yeah, I wondered that. Who called who?
1. Did they call the media and say "we want to do something. Do you want to film it?"
2. Did the media see it happening and then run with it?
3. Was there some stage management involved and someone called them?
I don't think we will know but those on the right will have a field day with it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:33
Yeah, I did see that somewhere, my point was though, is that it's allowed because of religion.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:17:34
Last night there were women dressed in full burqa on the telly saying we need better integration. Irony.