Turkey excludes evolution from textbooks
Passions flare as Turkey excludes evolution from textbooks - BBC NewsOn Wednesday, the head of the education ministry's curriculum board Alpaslan Durmuş announced that a section on Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution would be excluded from biology textbooks in the ninth grade (14 and 15 year olds) from next year on.
Students are "too young to understand 'controversial subjects'", he said, adding that the topic will be delayed until undergraduate study.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already approved the proposed changes to the national curriculum, which are expected to be published next week after the Muslim Eid ending the fasting month of Ramadan. Click to expand... The thing is, the 'threat' of Turkey entering the EU is one of the arguments made by the Brexit crowd to scare us into voting that way.Ridiculous.
I can't imagine Turkey is going to move forward enough to enter the EU any time soon.This is a huge backward step. Don't you mean was?
Your post is very contradictory, you are criticising Turkey, but you are also criticising Brexiteers for not wanting to be in an EU with Turkey in it. 
I think you need to take your remainer hat off and look at your post again. Yes, it is, but what has it got to do with Brexit ? It played no part in me voting out, the £350 million bus ad did it for me. Two points, really.1. Bad that Turkey is going anti-science and pro-religion.And 2, reinforcing the stance that the brexit arguments had no merit. Using the argument that Turkey might join the EU as a way of scaring people into voting LEAVE. Another lie like the £350 million lie.
My remainer hat is staying firmly on.In hindsight, it was a catestrophic decision. We established ages ago that both campaigns lied through their teeth so there is no need to stir it up again.
Do you want Turkey to join the EU? Why is it a lie that Turkey might join the EU? They are in the process of doing so.Hopefully the backward thinking on evolution will hold up their membership even longer. I wasn't suggesting you stop being a remainer, just consider how irrelevant it is that Turkey suppressing evolution is to the Brexit process.You were portraying doom and gloom and catastrophe before the vote, how has hindsight changed that? 
Like it or not, your membership is mostly comprised of Brexit voters:
Edit: and as you can see i voted Leave and the NHS slogan and Turkey never figured in my decision. Oooof.Moderator and Founder at loggerheads:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 I would hope we are both posting as normal members 