pragmatic Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:32

The guardian got there apology piece out, while the siege was on going, cif wasn't well pleased!

It seems there will be ramifications, the mood has changed, people are speaking their minds more (at least on there, but it might have something to do we the late hour), a more robust response than CH, certainly.

Migrants are gonna be getting it in the neck so to speak,although if like other attacks this is likely to be by French citizens, either 2nd Gen or brought up from a young age in France.

johntheexpat Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:32

It looks like a well coordinated attack by highly motivated and trained people.
Undoubtedly a long time in the planning.
Why anyone thinks this has to do with refugees (see the GC thread) is beyond me.Almost certainly IMO French citizens radicalised and trained overseas.And I doubt it will be the last.

Flimber Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:33

Throwing bombs at hostages in the theatre. I don't want to imagine how horrific those deaths were, along with the 'merely' injured who witnessed it 

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:34

The French have some elections coming up, so I suppose Marion Le Pen will have some angle on this, similar to over here, it really has some mileage for those on the far right of the spectrum.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:35

Yes - the political rhetoric will no doubt be enthusiastically aggressive, but hopefully behind the scenes cool heads will be analysing and formulating strategies.

Just hope the French government, in a hot-headed panic, doesn't start shooting from the hip (as it were).

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:36

So President Hollande has now said the attacks were..
"an act of war... committed by a terrorist army, the Islamic State, against France, against... what we are, a free country,"

What are the implications of attacks like this to our freedoms? Can we carry on like normal or are we going to have to have security checks at concerts, railway stations, stores and schools?

Fred Quimby Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:37

The usual response...massive condemnation a review of securityetc etc.Its difficult to say what can be done when you are dealing with people who want Jews exterminated and Isreal destroyed. Christianity banned full acceptance of Islam etc etc etc.

apolloa Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:38

I believe one of the terrorists responsible for the attacks arrested today in Belgium was confirmed as coming into Europe as a refugee through Turkey amongst the flood that are coming in.
I knew that would happen and I wonder with the ludicrous massive open door attitude to these refugee's, how long will it be before a dirty bomb is set off in a major European capital?

The intelligence services and European governments have got to get there act together and stop putting this down to collateral damage and stop with the open door policies.

thefragile Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:39

I think it's safe to say the Schengen Agreement will probably disappear after this.

I wish it didn't have to but it seems the argument is quite compelling unfortunately

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 03:13:39

I cannot find this on a website.

A Syrian passport was found on a terrorist's body, but that passport belonged to a refugee smuggled through Greece.

As I understand it, all the terrorists have been identified as French nationals.

Where do you get your information from - link please.
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