Publish time 26-11-2019 03:11:54
Knee-jerk reactions will achieve nothing and might escalate the situation and cause more innocent deaths.
The situation at the moment could lead to hot-blooded revenge by unthinking people - the whole thing needs to cool down and let the intelligence gathering take place.
Quiet reflection for the dead and injured. Also for the good work done by our security and police force.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:11:55
If it is that guy, he was imprisoned in 2008 for only 3.5 years for raising funds for terrorism.
Frankly the point about guests or not is besides the point. If my relative or friend was killed or injured on Westminster bridge today, and it is this guy, I wouldn't be thinking this is the result of terrorists, I'd be thinking it's the result of ineffective government which doesn't protect its citizens to known threats.
This guy believes in an Islamic state for goodness sake, and whilst these people are few and far between in the Muslim community, many of the attitudes of these fanatics go unchallenged and are supported by lots of people in the Muslim community.
Choudhary had every opportunity to do something like this event, if he wanted as he was left unchallenged for ages before being imprisoned . Thank goodness he didn't.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:11:56
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:11:56
And just been born here does not make you BRITISH or ENGLISH .It means you get a passport and the right to benefits etc . The rest is "from inside you"
Now , I wonder if Trevor Brooks has been approached via his lawyers asking him if he wants to earn a lot of money !
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:11:57
Not sure what your point is.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:11:58
Liberal tolerance to "it"? What?
If you mean we don't pick people up off the street who criticise the government then I'm sure there's a fascist regime somewhere who might suit your approach better.
We did introduce laws banning just speaking about the kind of thing Choudhary was espousing. Is that an example of airy fairy policies?
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:11:59
Possibly ,I dont think of everyone in this country who was born here as "TRULY" British . It seems they want all the benefits of our societybut to drag all their cultural crap here.
Like in Japan .Children of none Japanese fathers cannot "Japanese" I believe .
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:00
Liberal tolerance to it being tolerance, in effect, to condoning terrorism. Either by laws not doing what they should or were achieved to do, or laws and sentencing not being tough enough, so there is no deterrent effect. And anyone speaking up against it, is considered a racist, so our politicians always step a fine line with no pragmatic and sensible means to protect the public against these people.
It took years for choudhary to be dealt with when he was regularly going on news night and other channels inciting violence. The BBC gave him air time. We all knew what he was getting at, but he just kept on doing it.
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:01
krish and I have a theory about this 
Publish time 26-11-2019 03:12:03
No. People who tar all muslims with the same brush or assume something negative based on someone's skin colour. They are branded a racist.
When people are prepared to kill themselves, what deterrent do you suggest? Admittedly it's not usually the same people doing the talking as the martyring.
Ultimately not thinking it's ok to bomb the sh** out of civilians just because they're 2000 miles away will probably help in the long term and building a society where our core values are universal is the only way to minimise this kind of thinking. You'll never shut everyone up and you'll never stop people doing this kind of thing if they're angry/radicalised/stupid enough.