Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:46


It's amazing how fast one can go from defending free speech and humour to demanding censorship, safe spaces* and social justice purely on whether or not the locutor/subject is perceived to be supporting/attacking ones own ideological/political values 

*"For future reference if attempting satirical humour, as we have no smiley for satire, it may be better to make it clear(er). Or stick to quoting material from known satirical sources" - Iron Giant

Dejongi - ThanksJezza99 - Agree

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:46

Heh - I understand your position (re moderation), however, it is somewhat hypocritical or at least ironic of Dejongi and Jezza99 to take such issue with a relatively innocuous attempt at humor that doesn't attack them personally ..... unless you account for potentially account for making fun of generalisations about political positions they hold and/or spoiling some of the fun of making fun of and attacking political positions held by others.

Especially when you consider the title of the thread itself for example that misrepresents the story of a homophobic labour councillor in Harrow as:
Homophobic Labour -> as though the Labour party itself supports homophobia or at least has a significant number of homophobic members.
Which Dejongi created ...

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:46

BTW You've missed out the smiley from the end of my quote regarding the submission of satirical material, which changes it's meaning significantly 

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:46

You should have been clearer because unfortunately LaurelDejongj and HardyJezza99 seem to have taken it at face value ..... so erm you should have used   tags you norty boy !

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:46

I was serious about being clearer as to the origins of quotes, less serious about sticking to quoting better known satirists, if that's any clearer

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:47

I fear you are rather over egging it, all I did was point out that as an alleged joke, it was a **** poor attempt at humour. I took no personal offence, if that's your idea of humour then knock yourself out.

I do seem to have touched a nerve though, bearing in mind your OTT reaction to a bit of very mild criticism, and your rather desperate attempt to justify your little car crash.

Just sayin.......

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:47

The amount of irony in your post should keep your shirts crease free for the next couple of years at the very least 

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:47

Unless I misread it, Jezza initially "attacked" dj, for over-reacting to a harmless joke, before deciding you were an easier target for his barbs.Either way, it's time to drop it...

Jezza99 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:47

I haven't attacked anyone IG ? I just called out a poor attempt at humour, for which there was a rather vitriolic over reaction. But I will say no more.

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 02:58:48

It wasn't Jezza addressing dj over his over-reaction it was Rancidpunk, Jezza actually agreed with dj right from the off.
I agree it's time to drop it, it's just silly season atm ... probably the summer holidays 
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