Deportation letters to EU nationals
I suspect everybody is aware of the "error" of Home Office letters for which the PM has publicly and officially apologised (link).My question in relation to this is quite simple.
IF (no need to argue about any evidence - hypothetical question) costs were incurred by the recipients of the letters in relation to these letters, should they be reimbursed? /proxy.php?image= I think they should be compensated for any special costs such as attending tribunals, legal costs for court cases, etc.I would not reimburse telephone costs - that's just one of those things.
I'm not aware that anyone has any court costs, then I expect there are no costs to be reimbursed. Don't think it's necessary to break costs down as long as they don't end out of pocket.
Surprised that IronGiant who was the one that suggested starting a new thread hasn't posted / voted yet . As you ignored my previous response and continued with your baseless rant there is no point repeating it again. It's very necessary to break down costs. No reimbursement without evidence of actual loss.
I've said I wouldn't refund telephone costs. So what costs do you think are left that would need to be reimbursed? You've made a really big deal of this, surely you've got some specific numbers? If anyone did indeed use their money to appeal or whatever, then yes. I think they should be reimbursed.
But from memory, the number of letters was small and I don't remember anyone saying they were out of pocket. I can see it would be a terrible worry but I don't think you can be compensated for that.
I would like to know who, these hopeless idiots at the Home office were and why they sent out these threatening letters in error in the first place?
It is odd that it comes at the time of the Brexit talks, has been used by Barnier to embarrass the government and yet the letter was not specifically connected with Brexit.
Was there some mischief going on or just the usual incompetence? As I put in the other thread. There is no database of EU nationals in this country. Even the letter in question doesn’t question that. There is something else going on here and the lady in question has something (rightly or wrongly we’ll never know) in her immigration status that caused her to be known and receive a deportation letter.
Any true EU passport carrying citizen would know instantly that this would be nonsense. As per usual there is more to this story but parties picked this up for their own political gain. I would like to know too as it seems these letters were signed by more than one HO officials.
Must have been Jezza99 but backfired  I would argue that any costs should be reimbursed (with evidence of actual loss obviously which is the easy bit).