Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:27
You made a big deal of demanding people answer your question.
So answer ours - what cost do you expect people to have other than telephone costs (which I would not reimburse anyway)?
I'd say your original question was moot.In principle people should be able to reclaim reasonable out of pocket expenses.But there is no reason to expect anyone would have any in this instance.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:28
Actually his original question was that those people deserve compensation. Phrased in such a way and context that most reasonable people would interpreted that above and beyond actually incurred expenses. It wasn’t until later that he watered it down to actual expenses.
The real question remains; why did so few people get that letter, and how is it linked to Brexit. He’s very quiet about that.
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:29
The lady in question panicked when the details of Brexit and EU status surfaced.As a result she applied for an official notice to stay although sent the wrong paperwork which resulted in the right to stay being declined, therefor her details (I imagine) were on a database when some genius decided she was here illegally.
I didn't get the letter, wouldn't of been happy if I did although I'd of chuckled to myself before filing it in the bin
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:29
You have answered and voted the way I believe any reasonable person would.
Out of interest though, why do you think telephone charges should not be included in the "reasonable out of pocket expenses"?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:30
When are telephone expenses ever included?
If my bank makes a mistake, I don't reclaim telephone expenses for calling them about it.
If my council does something wrong, I wouldn't reclaim telephone expenses for calling them about it.
If HMRC get something wrong, I wouldn't reclaim telephone expenses for calling them about it.
Why would anyone expect them in this case?
And perhaps you could do me the courtesy of answering my question.Other than telephone costs, what expenses do you believe people will have incurred that should be reimbursed?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:31
Hypothetically, if no costs were incurred by the recipients of the letters of the letters in relation to these letters, why should the question of reimbursement be raised?
I rest my case M'lud...
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:32
I don't 'get' this thread!Is the OP affected somehow?If he isn't, why is this of concern to him?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:33
I think it was clear that the whole point was about reimbursement of expenses (not above and beyond - we are not in the States). Hope that now this is out of the way you will vote.
As for the second part. We will never know. 100 letters one day - who knows if there were more to come only to be withdrawn once the s*** hit the fan.
Does it have to do with Brexit? Who would ever admit to that? We haven't even seen the names of the HO officials that signed these letters?
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:34
Exactly. So IF costs were incurred you have answered already. Thanks
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:49:35
... and most domestic calls made these days are usually on a mobile contract's inclusive minutes, can't remember when I last ever incurred extra charges outside my mobile and landline calling plans.