Should NHS workers get a pay rise?
Should NHS workers get the 3.9% pay rise they are asking for? Frontline yes , executive no Executive have already got their pay rises and bonuses. I’m missing the option; if they deserve it.Nobody should get a pay rise simply for remaining in employment. To me a pay rise should be performance linked and based on exceeding expectations.
As such without any further qualification around the question it has to be a big fat No. Cost of living adjustment maybe? Nope, that simply becomes a never ending circle.
To expand, who is going to pay those who pay those getting the increase to pay for the increase? And where is the money going to come from to pay those who are paying for those getting the increase to pay for them.
It’s a stupid concept where none of the recipients win ever. Service users. Who did you think is paying already? We all are ofcourse  Can't see the point of your question then. Didn't know the answer? Well that much is obvious considering you think the magic money tree should just give everyone an increase every year. Yay more money for everybody, oh way a minute everything has become more expensive, let’s do more increases for everyone, yay. Oh wait a minute everything is getting more expensive.
Yup funny that.