Council Tax Increases 2018/19
Just got the news...A nice £130 increase for us with less services.What have you got? Same increase... bar a few pence. Just under £92 increase here Not had min through yet.
Expecting a £50 ish rise though for this grossly unfair (especially on single occupants) tax  6% rise here. Hehehe there is always one. Well percentage wise your increase is larger than mine  Council tax has increased by £62.37 pa.
However, Northamptonshire county council is effectively bankrupt and for some time has been struggling with the austerity squeeze. A government inspector will be 'looking' into it. I match you both  0% here, tenth year in a row with no rise. Their service generally reflects this too! Frozen for the 10th year running here too ...
London Borough of Hillingdon - Hillingdon Council freezes council tax for all for 10th successive yearWhich for me on Band E is £1719.86 less 25% single occupancy rebate = £1289.89 (10 monthly DDs of ~£129)