The Life and Legacy of Tony Benn...
Few politicians will be missed by the public as much as he will be. Why do we think he is so deserving of such rare respect ? Principles. Why is everybody dying all of a sudden? Is it the weather? MY MP when I first had a vote in 1983 .... had a discussion with him on my door step , he was a decent soft spoken intellect , the problem was he had grand ideas , but they were the type that made Labour unelectable which I told him.... I did vote for him but he managed to lose one of the safest seats in the country.... to Jonathon Sayeed Conservative it turned out the first three letters of his party summed him up.. anyhow Mr Benn moved away from Bristol.... it is pointless having policy that never are implemented because without power that is the outcome... Mr Benn was to stubborn to recognize this. BBC News - Tony Benn: 'I'll check that on transmission' He was there for others. He stopped being an MP because he wanted to be "more involved in politics".If anything sums up the current woeful state of political debate and consensus within the Palace of Westminster, this is it. I think he was bloody marvellous
A man who came from wealthy and educated stock and was obsessed in defending the poor and those less fortunate.
RIP Tony Unfortunately, plenty of people (from both sides of the political spectrum) would argue that he was very well meaning but unrealistic in how best this could be achieved... for me he was the heart beat of the labour movement and one I had a huge amount of respect for even though I didm always agree with him.He BELIEVED in Socialism//