Don't ask people their opinion, just don't.
Remember Boaty McBoatface?Or this one:
MP calls Radio 4 listeners 'bastards' over vigilante vote
"It was trailed as a "unique chance to rewrite the law of the land". Listeners to BBC Radio 4's Today programme were asked to suggest a piece of legislation to improve life in Britain, with the promise that an MP would then attempt to get it onto the statute books.
But yesterday, 26,000 votes later, the winning proposal was denounced as a "ludicrous, brutal, unworkable blood-stained piece of legislation" - by Stephen Pound, the very MP whose job it is to try to push it through Parliament.
Mr Pound's reaction was provoked by the news that the winner of Today's "Listeners' Law" poll was a plan to allow homeowners "to use any means to defend their home from intruders" - a prospect that could see householders free to kill burglars, without question.
"The people have spoken," the Labour MP replied to the programme, "... the bastards."
Having recovered his composure, Mr Pound told The Independent: "We are going to have to re-evaluate the listenership of Radio 4. I would have expected this result if there had been a poll in The Sun. Do we really want a law that says you can slaughter anyone who climbs in your window?""
Now we have this, from someone so left wing she'd fly like an Oozlum bird. She's Labour, surely if she wants to list a religion to vote against it would have been Judaism?
Also for the TIL thread in General Chat, I now know what LGBTQIAPK is. At first I thought she'd fell on her keyboard.
"I realise my mistake and I'm honest enough to admit it. I shouldn't have even put Islam as an option in the poll. I'm sorry to all those I may have offended. Believe me, this wasn't what I wanted." Why do you conflate her being a Labour MP with being against Judaism? Labour’s problem with anti-Semitism
Don't think she's an MP. >Islam biggest threat to Briton
>I'am ashamed of the British Public
This my friend is because your head is in the sand. Pretending a problem isn't there and going after people that disagree with you dos'nt work. Are you sure it's not basic grammar that's the biggest threat? (sarcasm before the grammar-nazi comments ) Edith Llwellyn;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7She is surprised at the 67% Islam vote and it's all down to the Daily Mail and Farage? Anyway Islamaphobia will be a thing of the past when Corbyn closes down the media he doesn't like and Farage becomes insignificant  Haha. More gold. Do a vote, don't like the result. Can't you keep re-running it till you get the result you want? I'm not sure if people do or do not realise Edith Llwellyn-Holmes is a parody account
She or "Zhe/Zher" is not real It seems to come up a lot in the posts underneath. I wasn't sure if that was definitely the case as worryingly these days it wouldn't surprise me if it was genuine.