Publish time 26-11-2019 02:16:45
Finally the mystery solved why we had such a good response (two cars in six minutes and four with six officers in ten minutes) when we were burgled a few years ago. I always knew I am special, but it was the accent. I bet they wanted a smoke and a pancake 
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:16:46
Obviously, you could read the full quote instead of just spitting your Earl Grey all over your British Newspaper for British People;
He suggested the idea could help the Met to cope with a reduction in funding. In the last four years, the force has had to make £600m of savings and it is due to lose an extra £400m by 2020.
Speaking to the Evening Standard, Mr Mackey described how the force will have to change its approach to cope with less money.
He said: “That’s where you get into some of the difficult areas around do you always offer the same service to everyone?
"Increasingly, as we go forward we will look at things like trying to assess people and crime on the sort of the threat, the harm, the risk, and people’s vulnerability.
“It’s absolutely feasible as we go forward that if my neighbour is a vulnerable elderly person who has experienced a particular type of crime, that she gets a face-to-face service that I don’t get. So we triage things... we assess people’s vulnerability.
“Vulnerability can manifest itself in a number of ways: people with learning difficulties, a whole range of things, some people for whom English isn’t a first language.
"That’s about how we get those resources focused on the things you can make a difference with. But also as we go forward, as demand grows, you have to have a way of controlling and triaging.”
Non-English speaking victims of crime to be given priority, police chief suggests
What's really odd is that the headline didn't focus on people with learning difficulties nor vulnerable pensioners being assessed as requiring a face to face service over someone who's maybe less vulnerable in that situation?I can't believe that some people have the nerve to suggest that the Daily Mail target their headlines squarely at their stereotypical reader base, which clearly you are @Marv .
Publish time 26-11-2019 02:16:46
Wasn't this already done to death when the article came out nearly a year ago?