xar Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:32

But that's being sensible and kind and ensuring equal treatment of humans, but humans are incapable of doing that and we simply have to have classes and kill each other and pee on each other. Apparently.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:32

As I read it, equal wealth distribution applies to wealth being the ownership of the total assets of a society being distributed equally. In other words wealth = assets, in this instance.

It doesn't mean the equal distribution of income.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:33

I take it as wealth covers assets and income?

Either way, equal distribution is nuts. A healthy society should be meritocratic with safeguards for those who have valid reasons for not being able to participate fully.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:33

I think a good example is John Lewis. The staff are members of a partnership which is owned in trust for its members. It is a successful business.

The staff salaries and wages, the income, are structured just like any other business - ie, a shop manager is paid much more than a counter assistant.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:33

Not sure of the rationale behind the enquiry, and I don't think it should be happening across the board (specific allegations against individuals I could understand and), but I do feel the army should be held to a higher standard.

If British troops in the Middle East decided to start beheading the enemy and streaming it live on the internet 'because IS are doing it', it doesn't mean it is justified (extreme example I appreciate).

Note that I was born in NI in the late 70's so experienced some of the troubles first hand. The terrorists on both sides were total scum to a man, and they should never have been let off, but I get the argument for the greater good (has anything other extended civil war been resolved any other way apart unless total destruction of one side was achieved?).

On the flip side, a lot of locals were aware of 'stories' about how the British forces obtained intel from enemy combatants and civilians. I have no delusions that most of it was nonsense, but even if some of it was true then there may be something to look at.

For reference I moved out of NI when I was 18 to get away from all that nonsense, by which I mean people in NI, so I am in no way anti-British forces or 'pro-NI', just offering a view. As I said earlier though, I don't think a blanket investigation is justified.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:34

This is not what I would call equal distribution of assets.

What about their homes? Pension funds? Savings?

They aren't held in trust "for the next generation". They are left to the family of those who earned it.

A new partner joining John Lewis doesn't get a share of the MDs inheritance when they die.

Rasczak Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:34

Former Army captainRachel Webster to sue the Government over Ihat raid

Government being sued over previous.

Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:34

That's relating to enquiries linked with Iraq not Ireland.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:34

Yes. Hence why I said "previous." I also referred to Iraq in post 2. The thread's headline is vague. I know the first post was Op Banner but also says "any conflict" so I thought it would serve as a generic Army/Government suing thread.

Rasczak Publish time 26-11-2019 02:10:35

It was obvious your post wasn't referring to Ireland so I'm not sure what point Ras was trying to score  it was a misunderstanding.
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