Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:21
It all depends on whether you perceive him as innocent, guilty or with hold judgment until any legal ruling is made .... or how you perceive the press and the establishment as out to get him, neutral or supporting him.
There is clear issues with Trump appointing Flynn, especially after it now has emerged that Trump and co knew he was under investigation before they appointed him.
I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks it's just because the press and the establishment are out to get him, and not that fact that he does indeed need investigating.
Especially after the campaign and comments Trump has made before and after the election - 'lock her up', 'crooked Hillary', 'Drain the swamp', 'Obama's birth certificate' ad infinitum.
Surely that indicates that he stood for and was elected at least in part on a platform of getting to the truth and punishing those responsible - it's just when it happens to be him it not fair 
Ruperts slippers
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:21
Trump was elected under the same system used for every other President since 1787, to now claim that it is an undemocratic is to suggest that the US haven't had a democratically elected President since the War of Independence.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:22;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:23
Wasn't it announced on Day 99? So Day 100 approached and it was oh sh*t we gotta show them something!
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:24
That's just a silly billy straw man.
No one said it was undemocratic, certainly not me anyway.
The point I made is that the democratic process itself is applied differently around the world and at different times.
Ergo there is no perfect representation of democracy, only alternative versions that attempt to provide the most democratic outcome that can be practically applied in a workable way according to the legal and political framework of what ever nation, organisation or group are using it.
Neither is democracy perfect, just the best method we have of providing leadership decisions with checks and balances to attempt to avoid malignant dictatorships or remove and replace inept leaders.
Democracy is not perfect at protecting against those problems, just better than the alternatives, but it also of course brings with it downsides as well.
Even in a democracy, although the odds are reduced, you may end up with a malignant dictator or inept leaders.
My argument is that if Trump was to be removed, it could be argued that he was one of the bad apples that got through the net and it's not a bad day for democracy, merely a good day for humanity - depending on your subjective opinion on Trump and his performance of course.
Steve N
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:25
As an opponent of what Trump stands for, he is the perfect President and presiding over matters exactly how one imagined.He will continue to muddle along with backing until the House of Representatives elections in 2018, if polling for Republicans generally looks awful in the run up, expect the knifes to start going in, until then he will only be openly critised by direct opponents and maverick Republicans.Still it's a beautiful thing.
Steve N
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:26
The whole Trump thing seems like a crazy farce.
It's like watching one of those crazy third world, third rate soap operas.
I feel I'll wake up and find the whole Trump farce has been a bad, insane dream.
You really couldn't make this stuff up.
In the meantime though I find it compulsive viewing.
I'm regularly clicking on CNN etc. or checking out US feeds. to see the latest developments, rantings and opinions.
Steve N
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:26
I seem to remember reading similar comments made about someone in 1930's Germany 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:27
There were hardly any Republicans wanted him as the Republican candidate in the first place.
He wheeled and dealed to get nominated. When he built up some support with the public he then threatened to stand as an independant Republican and split the vote letting in the Democrats unless the GOP supported him.
He'd got them by the balls and, as they say, their hearts followed.
I think there are many who would secretly like to be rid of him and happy for Mike Pence to take over.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:58:28
Hitler didn't come to power democratically. Numerous articles on it.
Democracy elected Hitler to power
The History Place - Rise of Hitler: The Reichstag Burns