Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:37

There still need to be truth to it, otherwise it could be libel and or defamation. As we say in Holland, tall trees catch a lot of wind.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:37

Ken Livingston for Russia Today talking about being careful what to believe. That truly is the funniest thing ever.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion and to express it, but when an anti Semite writing for Russia Today is saying be careful what to believe anyone’s BS radar should be working overtime.

But saying that opinions are allowed, as long as it doesn’t result in libellous claims or defamation.

DPinBucks Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:37

No. Fake news is a deliberate lie that an event has occurred.You're confusing it with spin.Example?I don't think that such a statement would be allowed today.

Volvo can claim that nobody has ever died in an XC90 in Britain, because it's true.They cannot claim that no-one ever will.Whether you like it or not, all human activity has to balance risk against cost.Ultimately, it's up to governments to regulate that balance.That's a good example of the 'Fake News' you are complaining of in others.It's a spin, making profit pejorative ('nice fat').Of course companies need to make profits: to survive.What would you rather they did? Go out of business?They are.Most long-distance coaches have seat belts.On an urban bus, what's the point?Very few people are hurt, let alone killed, in bus accidents.And would we have to forbid standing passengers?It's simply not a worthwhile issue.And create more pollution.And create higher fares.

As I say above, most of what you're saying falls within your own definition of fake news.

Doug the D Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:37

The problem with Facebook and similar friends-based social media is that it encourages group think.

Generally your friends are going to be people you agree with. So they'll post news and opinions you agree with, that all end up reinforcing each other.

AVForums is a bit better in that regard. I'm fairly active in P&E, and am not averse to taking a contrary view. But I think that's good. The debate and differing points of view encourage me to educate myself more on the issues, so that I can argue more effectively.

It's much more quality debate than I ever get on Facebook.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:38

Not to mention that the spelling and grammar here makes it possible to decide what the fudge a person's point is . There also a distinct lack of 'inspirational' messages superimposed on pictures of clouds, sandunes, sunsets, or rainbows.

Edit: I'd just like to state that I didn't create this crap below. People actually make these and believe them 


mij Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:38

Reddit can be quite good as well.

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:38

Red Ken writing for the reds, a classic example of somebody that could benefit from a name change, although I couldn't find anything wrong or fake in his article.

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:38

Subjective , especially sub Reddits where discussion can be a one way street of like minded peeps where it then becomes subverted.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:39

Mods feel free to close this thread as it seems my pee poor spelling has offendedthe members on here and was not my intention of the OP . I do apologise, for antagonizing them this way .

Toko Black Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:39

That is why I wrote "Reddit can be quite good as well" instead of "Reddit is good"

I think you read too much into that, to me those comments were clearly a remark or parody regarding the general style on social media, especially on Facebook and the associated literacy levels. Not a dig at you.
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