Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:31
That is what I thought originally but I’m probably really dumb as when I look at it I can see the comments.
Besides I thought this wasn’t about politics 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:31 And same for the POTUS account.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:32
I'm not sure I understand the question posed in the thread title.
Populist agenda is democracy.Or rather, democracy is implemented populist agenda.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:32
An example, in my opinion of the not so good side of social media.
Jamie Oliver's 'jerk rice' sparks debate
Now I actually think Jamie Oliver is a giant knob and quite funny that some snowflakes have ganged up calling him a racist.
But seriously this is the power of social media gone too far.
And also recently.
“Hooray, Disney have a gay main character in the new film, Jungle Cruise”
“Oh no, it’s played by Jack Whitehall, he’s not gay, why isn’t it played by a gay actor”
and then
“Oh no, I’m not so bothered about the casting of Jaack Whitehall, but the role is stereotyped, very camp and mincing”
Okay , I have a few problems with this.Okay, he isn’t gay, but that is what acting is about.Shouldn’t we be letting anyone play any role.Or are we saying that gay actors can only play gay roles.
It’s wrong to stereotype gay people - well they should get rid of Alan Carr, Julian Clarey, Paul O’Grady, Graham Norton etc. plus ban every gay pride event - because you can’t get more stereotyped than any of those.
And finally, it is a Disney kids film.There isn’t much sexuality shown by any characters.So if their isn’t going to be romanace, kissing, flirting or full on rumpy pumpy how on earth do you show that someone is gay.In most Disney things all of those things are taboo, in most cases we have no idea whether the characters are hetro, gay, bi, or something else.There is no need the story doesn’t require it.And that’s the whole point isn’t it in most walks of life you just can’t tell either way.So how is Disney supposed to present a character as gay in a Disney film.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:32
But there is plenty of romance in Disney kids films, from Snow White onward.Two gay characters could even kiss, but if that's still a bit too much for sensibilities, they could certainly have a romance and live happily ever after.
There was a pretty awful Jerry Lewis comedy years ago called 'Cinderfella'.That wasn't gay, of course, but I'm just saying ...
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:32
Can we have a poll on fixing the spelling in the thread title? 
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:33
"Populism, it's an affront to democracy!" cried the minority vote.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:33
It was interesting to hear the problems that the academy awards are going through and the changes they are planning.When the article started I thought “here we go again, not enough female, LGBT and ethinic representation” but it wasn’t that at all.
The problem is that people are losing interest in the academy awards and the two main problems are that it goes on to long and it disregardspopular films.So they are going to cut it back to a mere 3 hours.Also they are going to include a ‘popular’ category in recognition that ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ would never win best film under the current rules but if you look at what films people actually like and what films actually make money it would be in with a shout.
The Dude
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:33
Again, nothing new.
Newspapers and broadcasters have been walking the same tightrope for decades, centuries even.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:48:33
Why is it disgusting?Do you know something about the case that the CPS does not?Which it could, obviouslyYes, of course, if you have nothing constructive to say or just want to inflame opinion.Free speech might be a right, but it's not unlimited.