Funny politician mistakes
Lets see if we can keep this positive and have some proper funny mistake without nasty digs.I thought this Conservative MP was quite funny. Easily done ofcourse.
Andrea Leadsom calls Jane Austen one of UK's 'greatest living authors' | Metro News I will not mention Diane Abbott, I will not mention Diane Abbott... April 18th.
Theresa May calls for a general election - BBC News
Here are all the times Theresa May said there would be no election
Still makes me chuckle. The Dear Leader reading straight from the autocue.
And with his back to the camera. Crash Gordon and his Zero percent increase always makes me chuckle.. The Dear Leader pretending he has to sit on the floor due to lack of train seats Red Ed choking on his bacon sarnie
/proxy.php?image= Diane preparing for a radio interview
/proxy.php?image= Oh yes politicians eating is a great source of a lot of jokes...
I raise you David Cameron looking a bit of a knob (meant in a way I would say to a friend) eating a 'hot dog' with knife and fork....For goodness sake man, use your hands  She hasn't eaten the lime of that Corona has she? Greedy greedy 