Attacks in Douma
So the Russian Security Council representative has basically said the UK and Americans staged the Dourma chemical attacks through their rebels proxies so they couldn't mount a pre planned attack on the airfield.How can we ever believe what we are told. Either the Russians are bang on and we are up to no good or the Russians are. It's crazy and sitting listening to the live feed of the UN its like listening to my kids trying to blame each other for who broke a window. Yet we talking about people's lives.
My grandfather didn't fight for 5yrs through the African desert, Italian mountains and finally into the heart of evil just so we could carry on like this. Human kind has alot to answer for. Russia and US in fierce row over Syria
Russian envoy Vassily Nebenzia said the incident in Douma was staged and that US military action in response could have "grave repercussions".
US Ambassador Nikki Haley said Russia had the "blood of Syrian children" on its hands. It's really difficult to know who to believe. The entire free world, or Russia.
Who knows? It's madness. Are we the free world still though? Or is that what we been led to believe. Is the Russians the only light in all this mess? Or are the Russians getting to good at information warfare. Is the security council pointless in this day and age? Yes. The very idea of the whole world colluding over this and controlling their entire national press is beyond the realms of possibility. And the Russians are compulsive liars and manipulators. Depends whether you can believe Assad would be stupid / clever enough to use chemical weapons just at a time when he has Douma back under control from the terrorists, knowing the full consequences of doing so  Either Assad feels he can do as he pleases or Putin/Russia are behind it as part of whatever it is they are doing.
Russia has retooled Soviet tactics and propaganda for social media amongst other things, and our intelligence and security services have been slow to react to that. All i no is i don't want another full on Cold War,do i trust Putin no,do i trust Trump no,and the west cant get independent reporter into any of the areas,because they will just be taken hostages or killed.
Could this attack be carried by any of the groups holding Dourma, yes,they are just about to lose this area ?,would Assad do it again yes,one last push to clear the area.
This war has become a stalemate,unless all sides start talking,we the west are going to be dragged more into it.
And looked at Iraq or Afghanistan,did it go as expected ?  It's war, so truth matters not, untill there is a winner of said war, then the winner can tell their truth.
But Putin/Assad horrible. Trump and minion countries desperate for a distraction from domestic woes, let's have a War! Sorry, but I have to say something about the 'Gas Attacks in Syria' Totally fake, and if you can't see that, then we are screwed. Absolute pathetic video, aimed to tug the heart strings of gullible people.
I have NEVER been outspoken about any item in the news before, but I can't believe people are falling for this.
I'm glad that I haven't many years left to be honest, as this isn't about what is going on in the world, but, that people believe it. OIL END OF...