Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:30
Corbyn is easily rattled.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:31
Speaker John Bercow was also accused of calling Andrea Leadsom a 'stupid woman’
All water under the bridge, just like this scenario will be in a week or two.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:32
Lip reading experts differ. ITV just rolled out one to say it was "woman" 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:33
He definitely said "Stupid Woman", More profanity is needed in Political debate. This country could do with the entertainment. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:34
Sinéad Ó hÉimhín on Twitter
Jeremy Corbyn 'clearly' used phrase 'stupid woman' - team of lip readers tell Sky News
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:34
May could have made a comeback and called Corbyn a "Cockwomble"
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:34
Labour Party accused of having misogyny problem as MPs condemn Clive Lewis for saying 'get on your knees b----'
Clive Lewis was forced to apologise after he told an audience member to get "on your knees, b----" at a party conference fringe event.
MP Jared O’Mara faces Labour probe over ‘comments from earlier this year’
Labour has launched an investigation into MP Jared O’Mara’s comments and behaviour following claims he called a constituent an “ugly bitch” just months before his election.
Mr O’Mara “categorically denies” the claim made by his Sheffield Hallam constituent Sophie Evans about an incident in March this year.
On Monday Mr O’Mara resigned from his position on the Commons Women and Equalities Committee in a row over homophobic and sexist online comments posted more than a decade ago.
Shadow chancellor John McDonnell said the language allegedly used by Mr O’Mara was “unacceptable”
Really? Here's the Shadow Chancellor again:
Theresa May demands John McDonnell apologises for 'lynching' comments about Esther McVey
The controversy stems from a recording in which Mr McDonnell recounts a trip to a political meeting in Liverpool where activists had organised a “Sack Esther McVey Day”.
“There was a whole group in the audience that completely kicked off, quite critical of the whole concept, because they were arguing ‘why are we sacking her? Why aren’t we lynching the bitch?’"
The Shadow Chancellor has insisted he was paraphrasing comments made by other campaigners about the then Employment Minister.
He declined to apologise when asked about the remarks on the Andrew Marr Show at the end of January.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:35
Anyway. Hard Brexit coming soon, and be sure to check our MSM fake news regularly for more scaremongering and political profanity.
Toko Black
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:36
Or even stronger unparliamentary language followed by an immediate apology, like this chap ...
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:31:37
Jeremy simply can't win in any scenario, since:
- admitting it is fuel for automatic-offence-takers, and the feigned offence takers.
- admitting it and apologising is fuel for the SEE - Corbyn is weak and under the thumb of the 'fema-communards'.
- denying it is fuel for the 'SEE - Jeremy Corbyn can't be trusted' brigade.
Jeremy Corbyn is a pompous little tit, but tbh if anyone makes a big deal about what he said and whether he lied about it in terms of changing his political/social credibility to lead the Labour party or be PM in the slightest ... then you(meaning the reader) probably fall into one of the groups above.
I think the issue is not whether he said it or not, not whether he denied it, but the fact that we and others are actually talking about it in the first place ... which is ofc hypocritical of me, because I am doing just that 