Supreme Court Justice No 3
Looks like Trump may be getting yet another pick for the SC after it was confirmed today that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has malignant cancer in her lungs - the prognosis doesn't look good.The recent election gains by the Republicans in the Senate mean that it should be an easier passage for any Trump nominee than the Bret Kavanaugh circus.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, undergoes lung procedure to remove cancerous growth Unless you mean the prognosis for Trump's Presidency, there's nothing in that article suggesting a bad prognosis for Ginsburg?
She was “resting comfortably” at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York after the surgery.There was no evidence of disease elsewhere in Ginsburg’s body, and no further treatment is planned, the court said.
Nothing like wishing someone dead so daddy Trump can pick a new friend though. Who is wishing anyone dead? - simply pointing out that the long term prognosis for an 85 year old with malignant Cancer aint that great.
Of course you may be correct and she will star in the next;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Assuming Trump is still president when that day comes . You've shot yourself in the foot with that comment.
The CNBC article is a storyline regarding the recovery of Ginsburg and only touched upon the political balance of the Supreme Court.
This thread is disturbing because it's concerned with the possibility of a death of an active person who might live beyond the presidency of Trump.
In other words you give the impression of not being concerned about the continuing life of Ginsburg, but more concerned about her death. You’re wishing her dead by giving your own assumption that the prognosis isn’t good for her when the article said the operation went well and she’s recovering.
I’d agree that someone who is 85 isn’t going to be in the Olympus, but you come across as rubbing your hands together in glee at the idea that someone has cancer, just so Trump can put another stooge in the Supreme Court.
Considering Trump continues to haemorrhage staff from his ‘Team’ when they realise he really is Putin’s lap dog (and, it now appears, Erdogan’s), the Supreme Court pick is probably the least of his worries. What a nasty thread, OP really can't bullsh*t his way out of that.
Was Marv's like for the possibility of someone dying? Still waiting for the smoking gun - or any actual;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 I did exactly the same as CNBC who hate Trump - pointed out that someone who is 85 and has a history of poor health and now have malignant cancer could very easily allow Trump a 3rd pick on the SC.
The justice's health is a matter of intense public concern because her retirement would likely enable President Donald Trump to name her replacement. Trump has named two justices to the bench, Justice Neil Gorsuch and Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The last president to nominate more than two justices to the bench was Ronald Reagan, who nominated three.
But perhaps CNBC are fake news and there is no public concern.. She needs to die to own the libs, yada yada, something MAGA n such .