Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:39
I don’t disagree at all and I wasn’t arguing against that at all.
The fact remains, some immigrants don’t speak English. It maybe they haven’t lived here long or it maybe they find the language hard to learn or it maybe they can’t be bothered.
In terms of local services as you mentioned, I guess we need to be able to process these people.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:39
Ok maybe create a list of official places of worship for the UK?
I guess we only allow Catholic & Protestant? Maybe include Baptist for Wales?
I’m not suggesting this obviously.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:40
Yes absolutely.
Personally I would prefer it if we had a policy to not cater for that. And this provide an incentive to learn the language or get alternatively have them bare the cost. Just like in some other countries like Italy or Spain or Netherlands where you may have to appoint a lawyer or notary to deal with such matters if you don’t command the language.
Good communication helps mutual understanding and integration in my opinion. Similarly with the the integration of the host countries ways and culture of behaving and even dress sense.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:40
I wasn’t suggesting that, just responding to why that happened in the past. I’ve got no issues with whatever people want to worship as long as they have no issues with those who don’t either.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:40
Exactly. With the UK the only real problem tends to be people not learning the local language. I was in Germany and learned German. The same issue is people coming here and living in inner city areas and not learning the language here.
The rest isn't an issue. Bars and restaurants are never a problem as they either make money or they don't, and it would be rather foolish for someone running a business not to cater for demand.
What is your case?
Christianity in India - Wikipedia
Apparently Christianity in India started from 52AD onwards. I'm guessing that wasn't to do with anyone from Britain.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:40
The point is many counties have multiple religions.
What do you consider to be native religions of the UK?
Catholic, Baptist and Protestant?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:41
I thought the point was tolerance? We have largely Muslims protesting as the government wants kids to learn that relationships are fine whether they are gay, straight, whatever, all equal and valid and largely Muslims not happy about it. The same ones who later on will say any criticism of them is "islamophobia."
If they want tolerance for them and their beliefs, it also means tolerance for the sexuality of others. Being in the UK is about integration and accepting we believe in equality here.
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:41
Why have you singled out Muslims?
What about the Catholic Church?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:41
Why have you? The quote was
As it is largely Muslims in the example given. It isn't all. Some are Christian and if you investigate it, it's also atheists and agnostics with the same issue. But largely Muslims.
Why have you singled out the Catholic Church?
Publish time 26-11-2019 01:18:41
Perhaps he's Ian Paisley? 