Protesters complaining of assault
BBC News - MP Mark Field accused of assaulting Greenpeace activistGreenpeace accuses minister of 'assault'
Greenpeace has accused Foreign Office minister Mark Field of assault, after he pushed a female activist out of a black-tie City event.
Just watched the footage and it's currently being discussed on bbc1.
Labour calling for Fields to be sacked. Other people saying it's assault and the police are investigating.
I'm wondering what they watched before calling for that?
Earlier in the footage you can see the protesters pushing past security.
Protestors trying to disrupt a private event can be ejected with reasonable force. Especially given they used (very slight) force themselves to get access.
What do others think? Pathetic...they want to disrupt but dont like their disruption being disrupted.... I don't have a problem with them being manhandled out, with reasonable force. It was a private event by invitation only I assume? But Field was very foolish to get involved, wasn't there any security? Pathetic.Security failure so the guy escorted her out of the room. I can't see an issue and it was wrong to suspend him. It's not as if he dragged her out by the hair. Of course he should be sacked.His actions were ill-judged, inappropriate and abhorrent.I find it very disappointing, but unfortunately not surprising, that his actions are being supported by middle age man here and elsewhere. He's been suspended, quite rightly. Totally uncalled for use of brutality. If chucking a milkshake or egg means a conviction for assault then his over the top rough treatment of the protestor warrants the same. Socialists, especially Greenpeace,just barge about wherever they like and interrupt people and it has to stop. The people at the dinner shouldn't have to put up with that kind of invasion and I'm not surprised he was pissed off. This was nowhere close to brutality, it was a forceful removal from the room and the woman involved should accept it as a consequence of her stupid decision and move on. It wasn't over the top. She could have had battery acid for all anyone knew. You have to laugh - you have Labour MP's complaining about the safety of MP's after the Jo Cox murder and when some protester, whose intentions are not know, is stopped from making a beeline for the Chancellor its unacceptable.
Ah - the smell of hypocrisy in the;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7