Beginning of the end of the Lib Dems
Had a thread for Labour and the Tories.Just as fitting (more now) to have one for the Lib Dems
Tim Farron quits as Lib Dem leader - BBC News
Last 2 leaders have been awful (imo).
If Jeremy takes Labour further and further left, I suppose there's some ground for the Lib Dems on the centre left.
Bit over 2 million votes they got at the last election so about 1 in 12-13 voters, voted for LD.
Hardly going to be missed. This is not the end,
This is not even the beginning of the end,
This is just perhaps the end of the beginning. History repeating itself probably. The Liberal Party went into decline and never really recovered for various reasons. Newly re-elected Jo Swinson is bookies' favourite to replace Farron We wouldn't see eye to eye on politics but I'm 100% behind his sentiment here - good on him.
As a white, male, middle-class, Englishman I am getting thoroughly sick of this country that labels me as discrimintory, or a racist or a bigot before they have heard what I have to say.
Nigel He was one of the big reasons I couldn't vote libdem, and he definitely should have left this announcement another day, but I did dislike the press hounding him about his personal views.
He was a big champion of LGBT rights and I think it's quite possible to separate certain personal viewpoints from party held ones. Saying that, maybe it was for the best, he really wasn't taking the party anywhere at all. No big loss. I presume party colleagues found him to be a tiresome attention seeker just like the Met did. Though I don't like the guy, I have some sympathy for his current predicament.
If he was a leader of the party that I was voting for/supporting, I couldn't care less about his Christian faiths or whether he thought Gay marriage/sex was a sin.
There are so many problems in the world right now, the above is probably way down in the hundreds, as to how important it is, compared to other issues.
I wouldn't have a problem voting for a party that's stance on a number of issues, were a bit different to individuals in said party.
Everything has to be so politically correct these days.It's ridiculous. For a number of years the LibDems have been overly politically correct - seems to be an obsession with them.
To think they lost about 50 seats in the 2015 general election and never really recovered must be a blow to their confidence.
IMO they need a character, someone like Boris Johnson, to pull them up out of the sweetly sticky mess they're in. But of course a strong wilful character is not LibDem material, so it will never happen. ^^^ Alan, theirwell known 'characters' of recent(ish) years were a prolific paedophile, a leader charged with conspiracy to murder and a leader who drank himself to death