If the referendum should be honoured then......
please explain to me how it is the the ERG and a number of other (appears mostly pro brexit) Tory MPs think it's OK to change the leadership voting rules to oust May?Surely not adhering to the 12 months required before another leadership vote is just hypocrisy?
I would have thought, that people arguing for the referendum vote to be upheld were doing so on a point of principal, or have I misread that? Sometimes you need to take action to take control of a bad situation... Yep, like revoking article 50  A distinct lack of integrity runs through all political parties at the moment. There are no principles. But this is blind panic on behalf of the Tory right wing, given that May is negotiating with a Labour leader. For the good of the country mind. How dare she!!
They had their chance to oust her. They bottled it. Then they said they'd form up behind her. Now they want her out again. It's a pathetic display that shows just how vulnerable they are right now.
I hope someone lands the killer blow. It could be my bestie Nige. Then I'd be in a pickle  At least get shut of the ERG outfit once and for all. They've done their level best to undermine their Prime Minister at every turn. They're like their own little political party anyway, I'm sure a lot of their own party despise them as well these days. Well considering that 70% of the Tory Party membership share their view and want May gone methinks you are not as in touch with reality as you believe. Hopefully the ERG/1922 etc don't need to change anything.
As I understand it, local Tory members (etc) have the power to force the issue (re leadership). Oh was that when she survived the leadership vote...  Yes - the one where members didnt get to vote...//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif So when do they get to vote? at the election of a new leader - although even then that didnt happen last time.. 