Toko Black
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:34
He's an opinionated ****. Here's more of his sneering.
Will Self managed to make Nigel Farage look like the 'good guy' on Question Time
Peter Chalinar added: "Will Self clearly dismisses anyone who works for a huge company called McDonalds - he thinks he's superior to the plebs."
Jennifer Judge chimed in: "Will Self thinks it's ok to sneer at those working in McDonalds? Thousands of people support their families working there"
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:34
I watched the clip - and he doesn't appear to be sneering at people working at McDonalds.
Even if he was however, that doesn't make him wrong on everything.
If he was sneering at people working at McDonalds, then although it would make him rather rude and unkind, it would make him relatively honest, because a hell of a lot of us humans do sneer and judge people by their fiscal situation and achievements ... or our perception of the lack thereof.
It's not nice, it's not kind, but it is something a hell of a lot of people do, including some members of this forum.
My personal opinion/interpretation of what he said/meant is not a sneer at McDonalds employees per say, but a sneer at the idea of trying to sell tax cuts to huge corporations using an example of a company who's staff have been historically one of the standard go to jokes to represent a lack of aspiration, achievement and most significantly an example of wasting an education studying particular subjects.
In simple terms, using a company that helped spawn the slang term McJob fairly or unfairly, as an example of an advantage from cutting corporate taxes is rather ill thought out - hence worth sneering at.
Toko Black
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:35
You know you don't have to defend him on everything.
McDonald's staff are not happy with Will Self after Question Time
Appearing alongside Louise Mensch and Nigel Farage, many would have expected Self to be the least offensive member of the panel.
"Respect hard working young people, you lolloping prat."
He's another champagne socialist Guardianista, while sending his own kids to a private school.
I'm a diehard Leftie but my son is going to private school
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:35
So basically what you are saying is that because:
1) a readers letter to the Evening Standard from someone with a left leaning general political perspective said they sent their child to private school that
2) equals them being achampagne socialist Guardianista, and
3) Will Self is contributer to the Guardian, who
4) Sneered at Nigel Farage for using the McJob company as an example of the benefits of reducing corperate tax that
5) Will Self was wrong and should appologise to racists and people who don't understand 'mouth speaky word stuff' enough to think that it means all Leave voters are being called racist ... or just really, really, really don't like anyone mentioning that their beloved Brexit dream coincides with the desires of racists while happily slagging off remoaners as champagne socialists.
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:35
I'm saying he's a ****.
Toko Black
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:36
That's fine, and that I can to some extent agree with.
What I don't agree with is that it has ANY impact on what he said on question time to Mark Francois ... who I definately think is a complete and utter ......
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:36
I don't know much about either, so perhaps we should agree they both are?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:37
Perhaps people should keep to the topic of the thread instead of dirtying it like with all the others? @IronGiant - how many offtopic posts do you allow before you start with the warnings?
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:37
It depends on the thread, sometimes they naturally evolve away from the original topic, in which case I would let it happen, unless it was causing friction or spoiling on topic discussion.If people have run out ofve and -ve's then there is little point forcing people to stay on topic.The last "on topic" post was 3 days ago, but I'll keep an eye on it 
Publish time 25-11-2019 22:14:37
won’t be any change at Eurotunnel. My gosh the queues were long today with full checks by the UK Border Control. Luckily with Flexiyou can make up for a lot of that.
- Can’t think of any at the moment.