What is the definition of ‘the will of the people’?
I have change the title of this thread because the old one was causing some confusion, I think.This is something that bugs me. Theresa May keeps droning on about the will of the people. Excuse me, it's the will of 52% of the 72% of the people who voted. That's the will of 37.5% of the people. We know it's not the will of 34.5% of the people and we don't know what the other 28% want.
Edit: my objection is to the phrase ‘the will of the people’ and it’s inference (to me) that all ‘the people’ want brexit.Or even that the majority of ‘the people’ as opposed to ‘the voters’ want brexit. If the 28% couldn't be bothered to vote, they dont care/count. deleted Has more than 50% of the eligible population ever voted for one party in a general election? How ridiculous.
You don't count for that vote.
Who has said not voting makes you ineligible to vote in the future? Who cares.
We don't have mandatory voting. If you don't vote, you are leaving the decision to those that do. No assumptions should be made about how they might have voted, because we don't care. The only thing that matters in a vote are those that participate. Of-course it is the will of the people....if people aren't bothered to exercise their democratic right you can't take that like they disagree with it.
The facts are that more people bothered to vote for leaving the EU than those who voted to remain. And thats the be all and end all of it really.
Any other position is just folly.
Last one out (of this thread) turn off the lights. That will be @Stuart Wright as he has got the keys :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 No. They didn't vote. That's it.
Polls were split right up until the vote. Besides after months of debates, news articles, and whatever else, I doubt anyone "forgot."
Opinion polling for the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum - Wikipedia
Not voting, means you would be happy to go with whatever the result is.
Or not.
The only thing you can be certain of is that some didn't vote. That's it.