Diabetic prepared to die for Brexit
Wow https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/joypixels/[email protected]/png/64/1f632.png/proxy.php?image=https://www.thepoke.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Screen-Shot-2019-09-19-at-15.47.52.png&hash=0da1fffcb36e1393abc31e53cb110dd0&return_error=1 This Brexiteer with diabetes said he'd rather leave the EU than have his insulin - only 4 responses you need The passion with which some Brexiteers want to leave the European Union reached new highs – or depths, depending on your point of view – with this chap interviewed by the BBC on the street of Birmingham. He’s got diabetes but he still wants to leave the EU, even if it means he can’t get … /proxy.php?image=https://www.thepoke.co.uk/wp-content/themes/datadial-prima/img/favicon.png&hash=b694e6a4b4ba120f4093d49e04775cb4&return_error=1 www.thepoke.co.uk Saying something is one thing and is easy in the passion of the moment, doing it deliberately is quite another. I'm diabetic and insulin dependent.
I'm not worried at all about shortages. Project fear I saw an article saying that many drugs cannot be stockpiled with insulin being one of them. How odd that the insulin we keep in the fridge for our son has an expiry date if kept refrigerated of a touch over 2 years (28 days out of fridge at room temp). So expensive to store yes but impossible no. There are a number of types of insulin. I'm sure some of them will have shorter expiry dates.
But there still won't be a shortage. European drugs companies are not going to stop selling drugs to the UK if Brexit happens. Too much money involved methinks. The UK is the EUs biggest market bar none. The EU need us more than we need them. Their economies are failing due to their imposition of fortress europe, even though the WTO have smashed down a lot of their trade barriers and quotas etc. Why anyone can feel that this country needs a deal with them is for the birds. The EU has no trade deal with either the US or China but that doesn't stop the €billions of trade between the EU and these country's.
This nation needs an injection of faith and confidence and get a no deal brexit done. Just had to make one minor factual correction.
"The UK is the EUs biggest export market bar one, the US."
Looking at the trade figures to allow people to make their own mind up on who needs the other more.....
The UK accounts for around 8% of the exports of EU countries.
The value of these exports is £341bn - or put another way around 2.8% of the EUs GDP.
The EU accounts for around 44% of the UKs exports.
The value of these exports is £274bn - or put another way around 12.7% of the UKs GDP.
The UK has a trade deficit with the EU of around £67bn.
That is equivalent to around 0.5% of the EU's GDP.
Given the above, if there is disruption to trade between the UK and the EU then this will proportionately impact the UK far more than the EU.
These figures primarily reflect how small the UK economy is compared to the rest of the EU. The UK Gross Domestic Product is around $2.8 trillion ($2,800 billion) while that of the EU, excluding the UK, is around $16tn. (Not far off 6 times larger that of the UK.) Another way of putting this is that the UK accounts for around 15% of the GDP of the current EU, including the UK.
I have also seen some people mention that the German car market is heavily dependent upon exports to the UK. Having a look at figures for BMW, the UK accounts for 9.6% of the cars that BMW sells - behind China (25.7%), the US (14.2%) and of course Germany (12.5%). Of course they won't.This isn't the issue.The issue is the increase in shipping time due to loss of port efficiencies due to increased bureaucracy.The drugs WILL arrive, they might just arrive past their useful shelf life which will then create shortages.