rommi Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:13

Did you even read the article on the BBC about this?
Hammond his sister made these nonsense claims, that were quickly rubbished.

Think about it. People will "short" on a currency on a 30 year low is going to go shorter?

The quote from a hedge fund manager:
Another hedge fund boss who wished to remain anonymous said the idea that a small group of financiers was pulling the strings to achieve a no deal was ridiculous. Not least, he said, because it would be "bonkers" to bet that a currency that was already at a 30-year low against the rest of the world would go that much lower.

"Most hedge funds are waiting for the moment to buy,"

rommi Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:14

This is the problem with people whose minds and outlook fit with the left side of politics.
Its "them".

There is us, this "collective" / real people bla bla
Against the "authority"the police, the royal family, politicians, bankers/finance people

All plotting a scheming / conspiring against me. Only about lining their own pockets.

I've had family members who were involved in politics.
They were shouted at whilst shopping, sent death threats in email. Stalked.
Yet the small minded unwashed masses believe everyone in public service is in it for nefarious pocket lining purposes.

I have no idea why anyone would do it (enter politics), given what the ungrateful unwashed masses think of them.

Psst. Clue, they aren't all out to get you. The sky won't fall down if Brexit happens 

Bill Gates isn't losing sleep over Brexit. Doesn't need it to make any money.
Bankers aren't "all the rich" Many other rich people won't be caring about your war against Brexit.

Sigh. Silly.

weaviemx5 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:15

You need a lie down if you think the BBC gets anywhere near being a right leaning organisation. The BBC should just change their logo to a hammer and sickle and call their work colleagues comrade. If they were any more left wing they'd drop off the face of the flat earth.

Duncan Hames, writes for the Guardian (Jo Swinsons husband)
His "company" Transparency International" got 3.5 million quid a couple of years ago.
Allegedly byLib Dem Leaders’ husband in massive EU cash payout storm

No wonder she doesn't want us to leave the EU, Hubby brings home a packet 

You can be cynical of people on the right, or the left of politics. But that just suits whatever political leanings we have. We as humans tune in to the messages that support our arguments / point of view / innate sense of how the world looks.

Some are just more wrong than others 

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:16

I agree with the sentiment, but much of the premise of leaving the EU is from people who have been told to believe that the EU is a nefarious organisation that wants to take over the world, so it’s not a single sided view.

As for “the people”, our own PM is using that line to build his election campaign on a “People vs The Elite” rhetoric, which is hilarious as the “unwashed masses” are being conditioned to believe that Johnson and his group isn’t the “Elite”.

SteakAndCake Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:17

WOW Just wow. You may want to rethink that conclusion you are drawing. Please tell me you were joking...

Coulson Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:18

Brexit is the political Trojan horse that will allow the Tories to push through elite benefiting tax changes without a wimper from their regular voters because they're off their tits on the Brexit catnip and the Tories are their dealer.

SteakAndCake Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:19

You mean you need another confirmation after I've post hoc added smileys to the original comment because others didn't realise it was a joke? Also your quoted post from me that says "it was a joke". You want another confirmation after all of that? Am I missing something?

Coulson Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:21

Brexit can work. Of course it can! But it only works if the voters are informed. No matter the denials there was one reason why "many" (not all) people voted Brexit. That single issue was a massive driver and as I said before, many of themdon't have the problem they were worried about. Where I live I genuinely believe has issues, but still voted Remain. Just weird!

weaviemx5 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:22

Hang on.

I thought it was a Trojan horse for tax changes?

So now you are saying it isn't?

Are you a puppy? You seem to rollover very easily when challenged.

PatMrex Publish time 25-11-2019 21:58:23

Not being “able” to do and not doing because it will harm your votes are two different things that you seem to be conflating in your rush to belittle another poster.

With the majority of the Conservatives voters ready to forgive Johnson anything, so long as he delivers their Brexit, are you naive enough to believe that it’s not a perfect time to introduce tax benefits for his more prominent supporters?
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