Do you support the Johnson deal [3 October version]?
Do you support the Johnson deal as detailed to Parliament on 3 October 2019?/proxy.php?image= Boris Johnson sets out Brexit plan to MPs The PM's plan would see Northern Ireland stay in the single market for goods but leave the customs union. /proxy.php?image= Oh this will be good  It is a no from me but I was surprised by the vocal support for it in the main thread. The deal seems to be a load of nonsense aimed to excite Tories rather than be a sensible offer, but some seem to think it's good.
It will be interesting to see the split in votes. I wasn't surprised  Go on then, how many gave it "vocal" support?
None, it's a text platform 
Seriously though, how many are supporting it? I wouldn't assume anyone as that wouldn't be fair (and likely start a war ), but I think most who want to leave with a deal appear happy with it. Even perhaps with those who have also preferred No Deal.
Looking at it another way, I've not seen any objection to the deal from any Leavers. Unless I've missed it. For which I apologize. Why would there be. On the surface of it that is not a bad deal for the U.K. unlike the previous proposal which had some serious red line in it that are for the U.K. I was amused at those on here who actually supported May's deal. It's not a deal. Any proposal is a good thing as it allows for further negotiations. I thought it would be useful to see how many people support the plan as proposed to Parliament. I think the final iteration will be very different and perhaps we can have a seperate poll on that in due course.
But in the meantime it is a chance for people to express support, or not, for Johnson's plan.