Do you support the Johnson UK-EU deal [17 October version]?
Johnson has agreed a new deal with the EU. Do you support it? probably not until we know what is in it Juncker still looks drunk from last night............ these cronies running the EU (laughable, a bad joke, a mustard burp) good riddance I say!I would like to know whats in the deal first. That's a fair point - the legal text is yet to be seen - but detail is being pushed out and the vote allows people to change their vote as many times as they wish. Great, can I voted LEAVE 500 million times and once to REMAIN ?  Can't be any worse that Treason MAY teabag deal............... As it stands yes I support it. It is a withdrawal agreement, and provided we are not locked in,as per backstop, it is a good compromise.
Once the details come out we will have more to go on. I think any deal is worse than our current deal in the EU. However, I think we need to either revoke or leave with a deal. To draw a line under this awful stage we need to move on so I would vote for this if I was an MP in the Commons. The key to this is parliament.
If the deal is voted through parliament, we will have to see what conditions are likely to be attached.