Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:53
Thanks that is good advice
Funnily enough, he was reading this thread over my shoulder and said maybe we should go back to the local independent guitar shop and try more different guitars out.
In the meantime please carry on guys with the advice and offers
Many thanks
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:54
Oh, and Gumtree can be a great source too 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:54
You're more than welcome, good luck with your purchase!
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:55
I will run this past him. He decision to play the guitar and all he has learned is self taught and I'm shocked at how good he is in such a short time
In this regard, I do want this to be his choice.
Many thanks
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:55
Already scouring, but to be honest I get a lot more comfort buying from AVF
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:56
If he's interested in the Slash Epiphone - which is one of the high-end Epiphones and shouldn't be seen as an inferior guitar in any way - you may have to search for them a bit.The big advantage that the Slash one has over the standard Epiphone Les Pauls is that it has genuine Seymour Duncan Slash pickups in it.So basically you get a Gibson Les Paul quality sound for an Epiphone price (well...more than the standard Epiphones but still within your budget).
The other advantage for me is that the neck, while on the large side, is not as chubby as the real Les Pauls.That depends on what he finds comfortable to play.
I would also strongly recommend trying some PRS guitars, if he hasn't already done that.They have a number of models in the SE range, around the £400 to £700 range.Again, look out for the necks - they basically have three main neck profiles (i.e. the thickness of the neck), which are Pattern Thin (my favourite), Pattern Regular and Wide Fat.
If, however, he's totally fixated on a Gibson, then you can ignore all of the above 
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:57
Also....re where to go, I'm not familiar with the guitar shops in Essex but I see that there's a PMT in Southend and one in Romford, and also Peach Guitars, and both of those will have a good range of nice guitars.If you fancy a longer trip, it's worth going to Guitar Guitar in Epsom and/or Anderton's in Guildford, which aren't too far from each other so you can visit both on the same trip.The Epsom Guitar Guitar has one of the Slash guitars in stock (the PMT stores too, but they are more expensive).
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:57
Thanks Mate
Peach Guitars is the one we went to and will be going back to over the weekend
Many thanks
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:58
Just a suggestion but you may want to create a separate "What Guitar Thread" & have the suggestions moved there. Anyone with something to offer you already has to wade through 28 29 posts, nearly all of which aren't sales related. I'm sure a friendly Mod would move all the advice to another thread for you.
Publish time 25-11-2019 21:21:59
Just following on from your last post, a used LP Standard is likely to be well outside your budget. Doubt you'll find anything much under a grand & you also need to be wary of fakes. So while used will always get you the best bang for your buck, in your circumstances I'd stick to buying from a store. But many have a selection of trade-ins or ex-demos so you can still get a deal.
As you're going to Colchester maybe give Music Warehouse a call & tell them what you're looking for & see what they have.