What book are you reading at the moment
HelloI am looking for a new book to start reading, just wondering if anyone can recommend me one, I really like the thriller \ legal stuff. It isn't thriller/legal, but I'm reading This Is Your Brain On Music by Daniel Levitin which I'm really enjoying at the moment. It's an in-depth look at how and why our brain reacts to music. I'm only about a third of the way through so far - it's mainly just been teaching me about the technical terms of music that I didn't really know about - and I'm finding it fascinating so far. I'm actually reading Gomorrah: Italy's Other Mafia at the moment. It's not a legal thing, more true crime but it is certainly a very disturbing look at a bloody and ruthless gang. My mate saw the film recently and he said it was ace too so I dunno if that is a recommendation.
If you want legal thrillers I guess there are a few John Grisham's you might like, I did read 'A time to kill' years ago and found it to be quite a good read about a very nasty subject. I've read all of Johns books so far I think he has just released another one so might look out for that, but its good to see what others are into reading wise I'm reading Dennis Lillee's autobiography and he was one of the most thrilling fast bowlers that ever lived  Iv'e just started reading the 25th hour by David Benioff, really enjoying it so far.
It was made into a film staring Ed Norton (my favourite actor) Just Finished Beyond the Band of Brothers - By Dick Winters
Just Started
Pegasus Bridge - By Stephen Ambrose I'm currently waiting for Amazon to deliver my copy of "What is the What".
Sounds like a fascinating real life story of survival, and comes highly recommended.
What is the What If you like films such as Conan and Mongol, I recommend books by Conn Iggulden.
Im currently reading Lord of the Bows, the second book in a trilogy about Ghengis Khan. Reading 'The Elegant Universe' by Brian Greene.
(non fiction)