best horror novels
Can anyone recommend some good well written horror literature? When it comes to movies, I'm a fan of all kinds of horror movie, whether it include sudden shocks or creeping dread, supernatural goings on or real world scenarios. Book equivalents are what I'm after.Short stories or novels, a recommendation or two would be appreciated... James Herbert's early books were good reads for horror, particularly The Rats. Yes, I was particularly going to mention that book.
Very well written, but in a very easy to read way  Read all of James Herbert's books. There are a couple of iffy ones but I love the way he writes. His latest are good too. Once and Nobody True especially. Rats is awesome, I think my favourite was the Fog though.
There is another horror writer that I read loads off, but I found his descriptions repetitive after a half a dozen books (mushroom cloud out the top of his head iirc)- it will come to me later. Clive Barkers - Books of Blood. Plus 1 on Herbert
Also Stephen king is not bad for the most part For horror I've always been a fan of H P Lovecraft and Brian Lumley - great stuff!However for movie type stuff definitely James Herbert, Clive Barker and Stephen King. Dean Koontz, Brian Lumley and Stephen King. Dean Koontz's Phantoms is still one of my favourite scary books. OK will look into things. I've not heard of Brian Lumley, but the other names are very well known. I read Domain by James Herbert (I think) when I was younger, quite liked it. But was looking for some slightly higher brow stuff!