Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:44

Marvel and DC Super Hero Fans

Just been in The Works and bought both the Marvel and DC Chronicles for £14.99 reduced from £35.

There a history of the two comics and the size of encyclopedias. The paper is of the quality used in the recent Marvel Collection series and both come in hard cardboard slipcases.
The Marvel one is this Marvel Comics: A Visual History (978-1-4093-8399-4) - £14.99 - Graphic Novel Fiction at The Works
and the DC this DC Comics: Year By Year A Visual Chronicle (978-1-40535-080-8) - £14.99 - Graphic Novel Fiction at The Works

Both contain 2 art cards which are very nice the DC the second 2 in this link DC Comics: Year By Year A Visual Chronicle (978-1-40535-080-8) - £14.99 - Graphic Novel Fiction at The Works

And the Marvel below both one colour and the same in B&W

stevenM Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:44

Been this price for a while in my local store but i still can't decide if i should get it or not

Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:45

Is seen it in a few weeks but decided to open one up and have a look inside and had to drool at those late 50s and 60s DC covers which fr me sold comics rather than the cloned uninspired covers of today.

Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:45

Ops double posted the same link in post one here's the one for the 2 DC art cards which are I say a tad bigger than A4

heres one of the main 3and the others the Bats sketch. Cut and past the web address links dont work



the_watcher87 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:46

Already had the DC one, bought the Marvel and Star Wars one only to drop the bag and dent the corner real bad. Could have cried 

internetuser Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:46

Saw these at this price over Easter.

They worth picking up then?

the_watcher87 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:46

For £15 you aren't going to go wrong. My wife paid £35 for the DC one in Forbidden Planet at start of 2011.

Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:46

If your into comics yes, there very nice.

Just found that Marvel were called Atlas and before the FF they stoped publishing super heros and did cowboys romantic and I think creepy stuff.

Garrett Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:47

You would have it dropped on your foot there ton wight.
Shame the Marvel and DC art pictures are in different orientations they be nice to frame.

captainarchive Publish time 25-11-2019 04:48:47

I've got a different Marvel one, Marvel Chronicle: A Year by Year History. Is there much difference between the two?
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