75 Years of DC Comics. The Art of Modern Mythmaking. TASCHEN Books
http://www.whsmith.co.uk/CatalogAndSearch/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=9783836519816 No way I would not get it though the door or get an hernia at lest lifting that.
As I say Cap the ones I seen apart from the case the one I have has the cover cut to make it an M albeit very small cuts. the others I seen on line have no cuts and are in full colour mines is a white background with silver drawings. I'd love that, but wouldn't shell out that money on it lol I picked these both up and have found them both to be very informative and interesting with so much behind the scenes problems and triumphs explained without shame or boasting, well worth it to me  Thanks for this Garrett, wasn't sure if my local shop would have these as it's tiny but popped in this morning and they had loads. Been wanting these for a while and at this price it was a no brainier.
Cheers I would not double dip if your after more updated stuf the comics they cover still go up to 2008 which should be covered with your publication the oly doifference would be the binding on the marvel one. There are a lot of crap books out there, but my other half bought me the Marvel one for Christmas, and I think it's an excellent compilation. It also tells you what was going on 'in the real world' as well, so helps put the particular year into context.
Some books are 'ok' and you might read them once, but this one has loads of covers and interesting information in it, and is one you would probably pick up quite a bit just to look at the art. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it from cover to cover as they say. At £15 it's an absolute bargain IMHO.