Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:33
On my 4th book now. Still think the 1st book is my fav so far
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:34
I'm now on the 3rd book and still loving them!
I would like to see a film made if the first book, I think it would be great.
In my head Jack is a Hugh Jackman looking guy, but I can live with TC as long as he comes across just how reacher is in the books!
I haven't seen the film so don't know.
One question,
Do you all prefer the books as 3rd or first person perspective?
I'm unsure which, it's quite nice hearing parts of the story that don't involve reacher
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:34
I'm a long time fan of he reacher series and have had the pleasure of meeting lee on a number of occasions.
I have to say though that I found the last book didn't pull me in like some of his earlier stuff.
Tom cruise as reacher? Noooo, but, it's not actually too bad a film!
Steve N
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:40:34
He's definitely been coasting with his last 2 or 3 books 
Was going to say cruising 
Still easy reading and fun, though a bit disappointing.
Maybe the movie deals will incentivise him to up his game a little.