Most you've spent on a book ?
I've been keeping my eye out for a book for some time now and eventually found a copy in the US.So far I've paid £75 but it may incur some import/customs charges so I don't know the full cost yet.
As someone who normally buys from car boot sales and charity shops, it's by far my most expensive book purchase 
Just wondered what others have paid out for their 'must have' books. I thought I had spent more than that on a single purchase, but cant find a record of it. I spent more than £300 in 2007 on David Gemmell Books alone, but managed some canny purchases of the first Abercrombie book and the first Scott Lynch signed Hardbacks at around £40ea.
SCOTT LYNCH ~ SIGNED HB 1/1 ~ THE LIES OF LOCKE LAMORA on eBay (end time 31-Mar-10 19:07:46 BST)
And when I met Joe Abercrombie at the 4th book signing, got that 'lined' as well.
So no single book purchase at more than £75 (which I still think I have but dont recall which one ) but overall, a fortune  You two have just made my mind up for me 
I've seen a new First Edition Stephen King Novella which including shipping from the US is $39 - comes out around £26/7 - and I was struggling to click 'confirm payment' as I thought it was a bit expensive.
I realise I'm now well within spending limits 
Bought it  About £6.50, but now I buy books used so that'll be it lol  Which book? Not a bad price for a 1st edition SK book. When I get round to it / run out of books to read at the moment I'll be getting:
The Feynman Lectures on Physics: Definitive and Extended Edition: Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands: Books I thought that myself, but they describe it as a 'Novella', which I interpret as a short story, so I'm assuming it's not much of a book in number of pages.
But anyway, it's this one;
Blockade Billy - The new novella from Stephen King and Cemetery Dance Publications
And apparently it's a combined Fathers Day/Easter treat, as, and I quote, I "don't exactly need to eat any more chocolate"  I've bought a couple around the £30 mark, but would be prepared to spend more for the right book (a mint, signed first for example). ooooo Mint signed first edition. Those few words always wake me up when describing a book. You wont get none of that on an iPad or eReader! Just some more info on what I have spent - I mentioned before about my collecting, which goes from paperback to large format paperback to Hardback with varying conditions in between. My notes on prices are only relevant to the book itself, but this is the anal detail I go to when searching for a book I want  
.....see what I mean? 