Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:50
Yes, me. But no BCE. All first first UK Hardcover and not cheap either. I could even sell you a full set of Gemmell not including WKBS all 1/1 UK HC, some even signed. See my previous photos!
Love your collection!!!
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:50
Love your collection!!! All I have to say really.
Stay tuned for photos of my reading copies.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:50
Sorry I'm not in the market for expensive book collections  love books, but not to the extent that I'd pay alot of money for them.Although it appears that you die-hard collectors are doing this as an investment which is a different kettle of fish  much do these go up in value by?
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:50
Yes, they are definately for investment, but you have to hang onto them for a while.
For example, David Gemmell's earliest 6 novels (1/1 UK HC) sold for GBP10 or so when published in mid to late 80's. They now sell unsigned for many hundreds of pounds. Signed they sell for closer to GBP1000.00.
But really what they are worth is what people are willing to pay, no more and no less.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:51
Now that my toys have moved upstairs, we no longer have to store our books under the bed (or sell them on) due to lack of space.
Left side are mainly the wife's (although I will reluctantly admit to reading some of them), right hand side are mine, unfortunately have sold off or given away more books over the last ten years than I now currently own. Looking forward to getting more shelving to fill.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:51
Only TWO King books!, what the hell is that all about Inked!!!. Plenty of Koontz I see, I enjoy most every Koontz book but I have this problem where they all just blend together in my head, I don't know whether it's because there so similar in theme or if it's just the dodgy titles like Door to December or what but its annoying. People say have you read so and so and I'm like yeah probably, only titles I can keep straight is the Odd Thomas ones.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:51
Ha ha, I know! I used to have loads of King books but got rid of them a few years ago. My favourite Koontz books are the Odd Thomas ones.
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:51
Some nice old books on the shelves there Inked.
A new pic of my bookshelves and reading spot as of the weekend when I had yet another sort out and moved the little bookcase to the gap between the tall one and the fireplace (which amazingly was a perfect fit, if slightly hemmed in by a loudspeaker). Second pic is my burgeoning collection of New Naturalists, which has got more than a little out of control... I've got yet another one on order too, number 115: Climate and Weather.
Compared to a lot of people it's a tiny collection of books though, especially some of the people I've talked to on Goodreads who have 5-6000 books and still buying more! Having limited shelf space has meant I've offloaded hundreds of books to charity over the years rather than keep them. There are some I wish I'd kept really but then again I'd never get around to reading the new stuff if I kept everything - bad enough with all the Pratchett books I keep re-reading!
Not sure if it'll work but this is a link to to the books I've got entered on goodreads:
Paul Forsdick - (324 Books, 3.44 Average Rating)
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:51
Did I really type that 3 months ago? 
Theydon Bois
Publish time 25-11-2019 04:34:51
Still waiting for the pics mate. Is the before and after something like this?