Anyone here on goodreads?
Just wondering if any of the regular contributors on here are on goodreads? I've been using it for s few months and thinks its great, especially the iPhone/iPad apps. Using the scanner means your book collection is uploaded with the exact editions that you own, and it makes it very easy to track your collection in terms of number of books, 1st editions etc.Not yet finished scanning mine, but so far it's telling me I have 59 1st/1st signed editions : when I think about when I started buying them!), currently reading:3, read:207 and unread:528  
If you're on goodreads share your usernames as I'm a nosy bugger and find it interesting comparing book reading  Been on it for a couple of years. Great way to keep track of books owned and wanted.
Reading 4
Read 235
Unread 383
I'm Adam Parkinson on it, the one with the brightly coloured photo if you're going to search. No-one else? 
Some good books on your list  Likewise.
I've just started creating more shelves and make it more browseable and neat. It takes an annoyingly long time.
I love being able to contact authors, whether they reply or not, on it aswell. I'm on goodreads. Don't read a huge amount. Please PM me your user name and ill add you as a friend. I'm on there as a graham cawsey Added ukbootlegs and Page Maggot as they're the only names in here that I could add in to Goodreads.
My profile is here, not sure if this works if others want to add me? I'm on Goodreads. Admittedly I haven't been on it an awful lot but I've just started to update some things. If you want to add me, that's cool: I'm on Goodreads as Anthony Mason, mainly to keep up with what new poetry collections are released Neil - Epsom, N7, The United Kingdom (60 books)